Phillip Schofield airs concern over whether he should ‘self-isolate’ amid coronavirus fears

Phillip Schofield has questioned whether he should ‘self-isolate’ after visiting Paris with his wife Stephanie and their two daughters Molly, 27, and Ruby, 24. The This Morning presenter, 57, aired his concerns that due to vague travel guidelines regarding the virus he is unsure whether he should be in quarantine. During Wednesday’s episode Phil and … Read more

Chevron sends 300 British employees home as coronavirus precaution

Canary Wharf office of US oil company Chevron sends home 300 workers over coronavirus fears after employee reports flu-like symptoms Chevron Corp yesterday asked about 300 British employees to work from home  Traders, exploration and refining unit staff were all assigned to work remotely  A spokesman for Chevron said the company ‘continues to monitor the … Read more

Now coronavirus reaches BRAZIL as 61-year-old tests positive

Now coronavirus reaches BRAZIL: 61-year-old tests positive for the deadly infection after returning from Italy in South America’s first case By Stephen Matthews Health Editor For Mailonline and Sam Blanchard Senior Health Reporter For Mailonline Published: 10:45 GMT, 26 February 2020 | Updated: 10:53 GMT, 26 February 2020 Brazil has become the latest country to … Read more

BBC’s Nick Robinson reveals he is in coronavirus self-quarantine

Nick Robinson revealed today he is in coronavirus self-quarantine after returning from a holiday to Vietnam and Cambodia with a cough – joining Channel 4’s Jon Snow who has just come back from Iran.  The BBC Today host revealed how he drove to hospital to be met by a nurse in full protective gear for … Read more

Cruise ship carrying 6,100 turned away from two ports over coronavirus

Coronavirus fears have been raised on board a new cruise ship after it was blocked from docking in Jamaica because a member of its crew was sick. The MSC Meraviglia, which is carrying more than 4,500 passengers and 1,600 crew from Miami, was barred from making port in Ocho Rios on Tuesday when officials discovered … Read more

Coronavirus chaos see seven UK schools shut and 18 send pupils and staff home

Someone who is infected with the coronavirus can spread it with just a simple cough or a sneeze, scientists say. Over 2,700 people with the virus are now confirmed to have died and more than 80,000 have been infected. But experts predict the true number of people with the disease could be as high as … Read more

Shoppers fight over food in supermarket within Italy’s ‘red zone’

This is the astonishing moment a fight breaks out at a supermarket inside the ‘red zone’ in Italy where 50,000 people have been placed in quarantine. With food running low in the few shops that have remained open after the spread of the coronavirus, the two shoppers came to blows near the tills as a … Read more

Number of coronavirus patients at Tenerife hotel doubles to four

The coronavirus outbreak at a Tenerife hotel worsened last night as the number of patients doubled from two to four.   Two more Italian tourists were quarantined in a Spanish hospital after testing positive for the killer virus which was brought to the resort by an Italian doctor.  Hundreds of guests including Britons remain in limbo … Read more

North Korea imposes ‘unprecedented’ coronavirus measures

North Korea is taking ‘unprecedented’ measures against coronavirus with month-long quarantines, foreign diplomats locked in their compounds and loudspeakers blaring out health warnings.  State media is demanding ‘absolute obedience’ to health authorities as the secretive nation tries to shield itself from the virus that emerged in neighbouring China.  New arrivals are subject to 30 days’ … Read more