Anthony Yarde opens up on how boxing is helping him cope with his own coronavirus tragedy

Running in the park has become a blessing and a curse for Anthony Yarde. With each stride he feels the grief departing through his feet, but then the sight of so many people mingling reminds him of the problem all over again. Why don’t they listen, he asks himself on those training routes through Ilford, … Read more

British boxer Anthony Yarde reveals his grandmother has died from coronavirus

UK boxer Anthony Yarde’s grandmother dies of coronavirus just a few days after it killed his father UK fighter Anthony Yarde says his grandmother died from coronavirus yesterday He appealed to people to ‘just stay home’ after his father also died last Friday It comes as 684 Britons died today who had tested positive for … Read more

Boxer Anthony Yarde says his father has died from coronavirus

2020 OLYMPIC GAMES   The 2020 Olympic Games has been postponed until 2021 on March 24 – becoming one of the last major sporting events this summer to fall victim to the coronavirus. Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe held a crucial conference call with Olympics chief Thomas Bach on Tuesday to formally decide a plan and … Read more