Warning of widespread FLOODING after Christmas

A warning of widespread flooding after Christmas has been issued by experts as people in high-risk areas are urged to protect precious keepsakes from downpours.  Environment Agency executive director of operations John Curtin explained how teams around the country are prepared to deal with flooding in a Covid-safe way.      Groundwater levels are slightly above normal and … Read more

Smart ring that constantly measures your temperature could provide an early warning of Covid-19

A smart ring that constantly measures your temperature could help determine whether you are developing Covid-19 – even if your symptoms are very subtle.  Experts from the University of California and MIT Lincoln Lab studied data on 50 people who owned a sensor rings and had had Covid-19 before the study. This was the first … Read more

SIMON WALTERS: How Aussie rules come with a serious health warning for Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson has a new ploy when asked about the prospect of a No Deal Brexit outcome: He talks about Australia instead. He did it again yesterday, comparing leaving the EU without a trade agreement as ‘the Australian-style option’. On Thursday, the Prime Minister said cutting ties with Brussels ‘on Australian terms’ would allow the … Read more

No 10 issues Covid Christmas shopping warning with London on brink of Tier 3 after surge in cases

Christmas shoppers were warned by Downing Street on Friday to be careful as London teetered on the brink of being moved into Tier 3 amid a surge in coronavirus cases.  The case rate per 100,000 people in the capital stood at 191.8 on December 6, up from 158.1 the previous week.  It means London is … Read more

News by Netflix? Warning streaming sites could provide public service broadcasting

News by Netflix? Warning streaming sites could provide public service broadcasting as Ofcom proposes radical shakeup of rules for BBC and ITV TV regulator found that viewers are increasingly ebbing away from TV channels  Ofcom warned traditional broadcasting is ‘unlikely to survive in the online world’  PSBs could be allowed to fulfill obligations on other … Read more

Boris Johnson issues stark warning to EU that he WON’T compromise sovereignty

Boris Johnson issued a stark warning today that he is near the ‘limits’ on Brexit and could ‘draw stumps’ at a showdown with Ursula von der Leyen. The PM said he would ‘do my best’ to resolve the impasse when he meets the EU commission president face-to-face in the coming days. But he tried to … Read more

SAGE’s gloomy Xmas warning | Daily Mail Online

Health Secretary Matt Hancock today tweeted: ‘All parts of the UK now have doses of the coronavirus vaccine’ Every corner of the UK now has received doses of Pfizer/BioNTech’s Covid-19 jab ahead of the start of Britain’s biggest ever vaccination drive tomorrow, Matt Hancock claimed today.  Fifty hospitals are geared up to start administering vaccinations … Read more

Dizzy spells could be a warning sign that your brain is being damaged by eating BREAD

Dizzy spells, clumsiness, loss of balance and falls. All worrying and strikingly common symptoms that affect millions of Britons. And while sinister causes such as cancer or a stroke, blood pressure fluctuations and infections can be quickly ruled out, for many the trigger – and an effective remedy – can remain elusive. But could the … Read more

US daily deaths could double to 4,000 in 10 days say experts as Fauci issues warning about Christmas

Health experts are warning that daily deaths from COVID-19 in the United States could double to 4,000 within the next ten days due to the impact of the colder weather and Thanksgiving travel. They caution that despite the prospect of a vaccine, the country’s outbreak is far from over and could be ’rounding the corner … Read more