Germany will test 200,000 people a DAY for coronavirus

Germany is planning to test 200,000 people a day for coronavirus in the hope of replicating South Korea’s success in slowing the outbreak, it has emerged.  Angela Merkel’s government wants to test all suspected cases and the entire circle of people who have come into contact with a confirmed patient.  South Korea ‘can be an … Read more

Governments could use social media to enforce coronavirus lockdowns

Social media posts are being used to track whether people are adhering to strict coronavirus lockdown rules in Italy. Researchers claimed to have identified more than 30,000 breaking the rules in March alone after analysing half a million photos and videos from Instagram. It follows similar efforts in China, South Korea and the US to … Read more

UK Government won’t reveal when new antibody tests will be rolled out

The Government claims it has bought 3.5million coronavirus antibody tests – but has refused to reveal who makes them, when they will be available on the NHS or if they can be used at home. Britain has repeatedly been slammed for its lacklustre approach to the crisis after testing just 5,000 people each day and allowing … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson says 12 weeks to ‘turn the tide’

What could happen in a London lockdown?  LIKELY RESTRICTIONS  Tougher advice on ‘social distancing’, urging everyone to stay at home unless absolutely essential;  Asking shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs and bars to close to minimise the risk of people gathering; Scaling back transport services while leaving enough capacity for unavoidable journeys and key workers to reach … Read more

Boris Johnson says Britain can ‘turn the tide’ on coronavirus within 12 weeks

What could happen in a London lockdown?  LIKELY RESTRICTIONS  Tougher advice on ‘social distancing’, urging everyone to stay at home unless absolutely essential;  Asking shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs and bars to close to minimise the risk of people gathering; Scaling back transport services while leaving enough capacity for unavoidable journeys and key workers to reach … Read more

London ‘will get a 12-hour warning before lockdown’

London will be plunged deeper into lockdown within days – and potentially with just 12 hours’ notice – amid fears the ‘superspreader city’ is driving the UK’s coronavirus outbreak. After the daily death rate doubled to 33 yesterday, residents in the capital are set for tighter restrictions on their movements – with signs the government … Read more

Coronavirus testing shambles as nurses ‘are told to return to work BEFORE getting the all-clear’

Pressure is mounting on the UK Government to upgrade its coronavirus testing as other countries switch to diagnostic kits that take just minutes to produce results.   Boris Johnson today announced testing will be ramped up to 25,000 a day after coming under scathing criticism for letting thousands go undiagnosed. Only 5,000 people were being swabbed daily … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Boris Johnson hints at lockdown for London

The army has put 20,000 troops on standby as Boris Johnson hints London could face total lockdown soon amid fears its busy streets are the engine of the UK’s coronavirus outbreak after the daily death rate doubled to 33 in 24 hours. The Prime Minister refused to rule out the possibility of ‘further and faster … Read more

Boris Johnson hints at lockdown for London

Boris Johnson today hinted that London faces a tighter lockdown amid fears it is at the heart of the UK’s coronavirus outbreak. The PM did not deny the government is preparing new restrictions for the capital after the death toll across the country spiked to 104 – up by 33 in a single day.   London … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Number of infected rises 676 in a DAY

Row over testing WHAT IS THE UK DOING NOW? Around 5,000 tests are being carried out a day.  Those are mostly patients who are already in hospital.  Some 100 GP surgeries have agrees to carry out tests on patients, as part of surveillance to asses the prevalence.  However, those who feel they have symptoms are … Read more