Labour demands MORE coronavirus tests for NHS staff as celebrities buy £375 private checks

Labour demands MORE coronavirus tests for NHS staff ‘battling to protect us’ as celebrities buy £375 private checks amid a shortage of testing for the public shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth said healthcare staff need more testing UK testing more people than the majority of other states with coronavirus But it is still far below … Read more

Coronavirus warning: The massive penalties faced by Australians who refuse to self isolate

Australians returning from overseas are told to self-isolate for 14 days – or face being fined up to $50,000 or jailed for a YEAR Australians are urged to self-isolate for 14 days amid the coronavirus outbreak Those refusing to comply with these health orders could face fines and jail time Some states can place people … Read more

Nurses show the bruises and marks they have suffered from wearing coronavirus masks in South Korea

Nurses fighting against the coronavirus outbreak in South Korea spend half an hour every day applying bandages across their faces to avoid painful sores caused by their protection suits. The wrappings are worn like badges of honour during their eight-hour shifts at the Keimyung University Daegu Dongsan Hospital. The hospital is in the southern city … Read more

Germany is now using drive-thru centres to swab patients for coronavirus

Someone who is infected with the coronavirus can spread it with just a simple cough or a sneeze, scientists say. Nearly 4,000 people with the virus are now confirmed to have died and more than 110,000 have been infected. Here’s what we know so far: What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of … Read more

As the coronavirus crisis grows, our crucial guide to whether you should travel or stay at home

Here’s the easy bit. The advice is against ‘all but essential’ travel to mainland China, parts of South Korea and ten towns in northern Italy, due to the coronavirus, while some countries, such as Israel, have started to impose their own travel bans. But what about a holiday in other parts of Italy or if … Read more

US lab’s 15-minute coronavirus test used in China – but FDA hasn’t allowed it

A North Carolina-based company says its 15-minute blood test is already being widely used by the Chinese CDC, helping officials there to diagnose more patients, faster.  On Thursday, that company, BioMedomics, announced its ‘quick and easy’ test is ready and being used in South Korea, Japan, Italy and some countries in the Middle East.  But … Read more

South Korean who was adopted by Americans meets her birth mother in emotional video

An American woman who was adopted from South Korea as an infant has shared a video of the emotional moment she met her biological mother and sister for the first time in 33 years.   Shelee Henderson, 33, from Chickasha, Oklahoma, was raised by her adoptive parents, Nancy and Jimmy, in the U.S. and told her birth mother … Read more

Kim Jong Un’s sister Kim Yo Jong calls South Korea a ‘frightened dog’

Kim Jong Un’s sister Kim Yo Jong calls South Korea a ‘frightened dog’ for protesting its live-fire weapons drills in a rare sign of her growing power Jim Jong Un’s sister Kim Yo Jong has issued insults towards its rival South Korea  She criticised the South for expressing concerns over the North’s firing drills It … Read more

Coronavirus deaths outside of China are 126% higher than fatalities within the country

Figures released by China on Wednesday suggest the tide of the coronavirus epidemic in the nation may be turning.  For the first time since the outbreak began, the number of coronavirus deaths outside of China exceeded those reported inside the country.  Only 38 deaths from the virus were reported on Wednesday, according to the Chinese … Read more

PIERS MORGAN: Unless our leaders take some hard decisions we could be in a coronavirus horror story

Three things happened yesterday that made me think the sh*t with coronavirus just got very real. First, the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned after massive spikes in coronavirus infection in worst hit countries like South Korea, Italy, Iran and Japan: ‘We are in unchartered territory.’ And he revealed the death … Read more