AstraZeneca’s Covid jab is NOT linked to blood clots, top scientists say

There is ‘no signal’ that the Oxford and AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is causing blood clots, scientists have said in response to scaremongering from European officials. At least five EU countries and Thailand have stopped using the jab on members of the public after reports of people developing clots after having it in some nations. But … Read more

Queen’s answer to Yuri Gagarin question makes scientists laugh

The Queen had a team of scientists in stitches when they asked what Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space, was like when she met him. ‘Russian!’ the monarch dead-panned, before bursting into giggles. The 94-year-old sovereign was taking part in a virtual science showcase via video link with British scientists, educators and schoolchildren to … Read more

Health: Scientists show it is possible to identify Parkinson’s disease from painless SKIN SWABS

Parkinson’s can be diagnosed by analysing compounds found on the skin, a study has found, paving the way for easier testing using quick and painless skin swabs. Researchers led from Manchester found that both the onset of the disease and the nature of its progression can be determined by studying so-called ‘sebum’. This is the … Read more

Thin dolls can make girls as young as five want a slimmer body, scientists warn 

Thin dolls like Barbie can make children as young as five want a slimmer body, a new study warns. UK scientists asked girls between the ages of five and nine to play with two ultra-thin dolls, including Barbie, and two dolls portraying a more realistic body weight.  The two ultra-thin dolls, both made by American … Read more

Mike Pompeo says Biden administration should push China to allow scientists to inspect labs

Mike Pompeo says Biden administration should push China to allow scientists to inspect labs where viruses are being researched or face ‘real risk’ of another global pandemic Pompeo claimed the State Department had ‘highly vetted’ info that pointed to ‘significant evidence’ that the virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology The former Secretary of … Read more

High plant-based diet cuts stroke risk by 10%, scientists reveal

Although vegans tend to be the butt of jokes, they’re less likely to suffer a stroke than vegetarians or meat-eaters, a new study suggests.  US researchers at Harvard Medical School tracked more than 200,000 people’s diets over the course of 25 years.  The people who ate the most healthy plant-based food – 12 servings a … Read more

Ark: Scientists want to store animal sperm and egg samples on the MOON

Sperm and egg samples from 6.7 million of Earth’s species should be sent to an ark built on the moon as a ‘modern global insurance policy’, scientists have proposed. The lunar gene bank — which could also house seed and spore samples — is envisaged as being built under the lunar surface, in a hollow, cooled … Read more

Inside Porton Down: Scientists working in Britain’s secretive lab admit to Covid -19 ‘trepidation’

Scientists who handle some of the most deadly substances in the world have described the ‘trepidation’ they felt when starting to research coronavirus. The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) at the secretive Porton Down, near Salisbury, has been helping in the fight against the disease ever since the pandemic began. Founded in 1916, the … Read more

Scientists develop an AI system that can measure your heart using smart SPEAKERS 

Amazon’s Echo and other smart speakers like the Google Home could be used to monitor the rhythm of a person’s heart.  Academics created an AI-powered device which monitors regular, and irregular, heartbeats using the same tools found in smart speakers.  The prototype, which was built in a lab but could be incorporated into speakers in … Read more

Scientists develop AI that can learn which faces you find attractive directly from your brain waves 

An artificial intelligence system has been developed that can delve into your mind and learn which faces and types of visage you find most attractive.  Finnish researchers wanted to find out whether a computer could identify facial features we find attractive without any verbal or written input guiding it. The team strapped 30 volunteers to … Read more