Scientists reconstruct the faces of two people from Edinburgh who lived 700 years ago

Meet Edinburgh’s Medieval residents! Scientists reconstruct the faces of two people living in the Scottish capital 700 years ago based on an analysis of their skulls ‘Forensic artists’ used handheld 3D scanners to build up digital versions of skulls These formed the basis for lifelike images of the two former Edinburgh residents Both died aged … Read more

Chinese scientists develop a laser capable of ‘seeing’ hidden objects from a mile away

Laser capable of ‘seeing’ hidden objects from a mile away by calculating how long photons take to travel back and forth could be help self-driving cars identify pedestrians Researchers in Shanghai hid a mannequin in an apartment near campus Firing a laser, they calculated how long photons took to hit different parts of the room … Read more

Scientists discover distinct chemical ‘signatures’ for concussion in rugby players’ SPIT

by Mia de Graaf, US Health Editor As athletes of all sports speak out about their brain injury fears, we run through the need-to-know facts about risks, symptoms, tests and research. 1. Concussion is a red herring: Big hits are not the problem, ALL head hits cause damage All sports insist they are doing more … Read more

Super-strong weeds pose greatest threat to humanity in history, scientists fear 

Super-strong weeds pose greatest threat to humanity in history, scientists fear Scientists in Hertfordshire  found weeds are stronger and more abundant  Resistance to herbicides, warmer temperatures and shorter crops are to blame Experts said the issue poses ‘an unprecedented threat to our food security’  By Colin Fernandez Environment Correspondent For The Daily Mail Published: 00:14 … Read more

Scientists link 55 chemicals never seen before in pregnant women to plastics and cosmetics

US scientists detect 55 chemicals in blood of pregnant women and their children that have never before been reported in humans and are linked to plastics and cosmetics – along with 42 ‘mystery’ compounds Scientists discovered 96 unique and strange chemicals in pregnant women The team found the chemicals in their blood and newborn babies … Read more

Scientists detect 55 chemicals in pregnant women never before seen in humans

US scientists detect 55 chemicals in blood of pregnant women and their children that have never before been reported in humans and are linked to plastics and cosmetics – along with 42 ‘mystery’ compounds Scientists discovered 96 unique and strange chemicals in pregnant women The team found the chemicals in their blood and newborn babies … Read more

People who’ve recently had a cold may have some protection against Covid, scientists claim

People who’ve recently had a cold may have some protection against Covid, scientists claim Lab studies by University of Glasgow found cold antibodies work against Covid But they only last a short while so window of protection is likely to be small A study last November suggested 5% of public had these antibodies at any … Read more

Ocean animals swim in circles – but scientists don’t know why 

Species of turtle, shark, penguin, seal and whale swim in circles, new research shows – but scientists aren’t sure why.  Japanese researchers examined high-resolution 3D movements of the various marine animals, gathered from biologging technology.  Biologging uses using small instruments mounted on an animal to track their movements over long periods of time.  They revealed … Read more

Scientists create a model of an early human embryo from SKIN CELLS

Scientists create a model of an early human embryo from SKIN CELLS in breakthrough that will ‘revolutionise’ research into the causes of early miscarriage and infertility Skin cells underwent ‘nuclear reprogramming’ and turned into embryo-like cells  These were then assembled around a 3D structure to form blastocyst models  This is the first time blastocyst models have … Read more

Biology: Scientists grow human tear glands in the lab that are capable of CRYING just like real eyes

Scientists grow human tear glands in the lab that are capable of CRYING just like real eyes Dutch researchers grew their own tear glands to study exactly how they work Dysfunction of the tear glands can cause eye dryness , ulcers and even blindness In the future, this may be treated with a transplant of these … Read more