Metropolitan Police faces legal challenge over the deployment of officers in schools

Metropolitan Police faces legal challenge over the deployment of officers in schools as they are accused of causing ‘negative consequences’ for BAME boys The family of a black autistic boy have taken the Met to the High Court in London Boy A was investigated by the CPS after a verbal altercation with a teacher  The … Read more

Secondary schools will have an extra HALF A MILLION pupils by 2026 due to baby boom

Secondary schools will have an extra HALF A MILLION pupils by 2026 due to baby boom partly fuelled by a rise in immigration  Fifth of schools are already at full capacity and many have overcrowded lessons Additional 50,000 places were created last year in attempt to ease pressure Department of Education figures renew concerns over … Read more

Coronavirus Sweden: Restaurants, bars and schools remain open

While most of Europe is firmly locked down in a bid to curb the spread of Covid-19, Sweden is taking a softer line, keeping primary schools, restaurants and bars open and even encouraging people to go outside for a nip of air. This stands in stark contrast to the urgent tone elsewhere and has sparked … Read more

COVID-19: Bachelor star and teacher Rachael Gouvignon says schools should be closed

‘I’m worried’: Bachelor star and teacher Rachael Gouvignon says schools should be closed to stop the spread of coronavirus By Shive Prema For Daily Mail Australia Published: 00:04 GMT, 24 March 2020 | Updated: 00:33 GMT, 24 March 2020 Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison insisted on Sunday that parents continue to send their children to … Read more

Headteachers beg parents to reconsider if they’re a ‘key worker’ as some threaten to SUE schools

Parents have today been urged to keep their children at home unless ‘absolutely necessary’ as schools were threatened with litigation after rejecting applications and the row over Boris Johnson’s ‘vague’ key workers list rumbled on. Headteachers have been ‘overwhelmed’ with demand for emergency places with education experts estimating that two million pupils  – a quarter of … Read more

Private schools are to offer parents partial refunds

Private schools may offer parents partial refunds and freeze fees for next year after being forced to close over coronavirus Private schools are considering returning a portion of fees for the summer term Neil Roskilly, chief executive of the Independent Schools Association, said some ‘will also freeze fees for next year’ Some parents not withholding … Read more

PAUL THOMAS on… the country’s schools shutdown

PAUL THOMAS on… the coronavirus schools shutdown By Paul Thomas For The Daily Mail Published: 02:16 GMT, 20 March 2020 | Updated: 04:32 GMT, 20 March 2020 Advertisement To order a print of this Paul Thomas cartoon or one by Pugh, visit or call 0191 6030 178 Share or comment on this article:

Coronavirus UK: Schools could be shut until SEPTEMBER

Students will be awarded GCSE and A-level grades based on combination of predicted grades, mock exams, coursework and assessment – with exam sessions in autumn, a school leader claimed today.  Leora Cruddas, chief executive of the Confederation of School Trusts, which represents academies, unveiled the plans in a leaked email to teachers last night after … Read more

Confusion over Boris Johnson’s promise that schools will stay open for children of ‘key workers’

Boris Johnson’s pledge to give all children of key workers a school place during the coronavirus crisis descended into chaos and confusion today as parents helping to keep the country running were rejected from the emergency scheme. The children of any parent who works for the NHS and crucial roles such as supermarket delivery drivers have … Read more

Schools could shut until SEPTEMBER: Pupils and parents in limbo as GCSEs and A-levels are CANCELLED

Gavin Williamson today didn’t rule out keeping schools closed until September but there was scant detail about how children will be graded Gavin Williamson today didn’t rule out keeping schools closed until September because of coronavirus but gave no detail about how GCSE and A-Levels students will be graded without any exams.   The Education Secretary has … Read more