Coronavirus UK: Wales and Scotland to shut schools this week

Schools in Wales and Scotland will close by the end of this week while a decision on whether to do the same in England will be taken ‘imminently’ amid the worsening coronavirus outbreak.  The Welsh government announced today that all schools will close for an early Easter break by Friday at the latest.  Meanwhile, Nicola … Read more

Coronavirus: Wales and Scotland to shut schools by the end of this week

Wales and Scotland to shut schools by the end of this week as Boris Johnson says decision on England will be taken ‘imminently’ amid coronavirus crisis All schools in Wales will close early for Easter by Friday this week at the latest Nicola Sturgeon announced schools and nurseries and Scotland will also close Boris Johnson … Read more

Britain’s schools will be forced to close by ‘end of the week’ due to ‘intolerable pressure’

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

PM stands by plans not to shut schools yet but insists ‘plans are ready to go’

Boris Johnson is standing by his decision not to shut schools yet but insists ‘plans are ready to go’ to help parents whose children might lose free school meals if they do. The government has so far insisted school closures are not justified as part of the effort to combat Covid-19 despite concerns from worried parents … Read more

Boris Johnson under fire for keeping British schools open during coronavirus pandemic

Head teachers reported significant pupil absences yesterday despite the Government not authorising school closures. They said as many as four in ten children were kept home by parents fearful of sending them to class. It came as Boris Johnson warned against big gatherings to curb the coronavirus spread but still refused to shut schools. On Monday … Read more

DR ELLIE CANNON: Why aren’t we shutting schools and what do they mean by social distancing?

Over the past few days, I’ve heard time and again that ‘we are not doing enough’ to protect the nation from the threat of Covid-19. I want to say, hand on heart, that this isn’t true. Quite the opposite, in fact. As a GP who cares passionately about the health of my patients, but also … Read more

New York City schools will CLOSE  

New York City is closing the nation’s largest public school system, sending over 1.1 million children home in hopes of curbing the spread of coronavirus.   Gov Andrew Cuomo announced Sunday that schools will close early this week.   ‘This action is necessary to reduce density and mitigate the spread of #COVID19,’ Cuomo said.  The decision follows … Read more

More than 6 MILLION kids sent home because of the coronavirus pandemic: 17 states close schools

Eleven states have ordered their schools to shut down while Washington State is closing schools in three counties near Seattle as more than six million American children will be staying home this month due to the coronavirus outbreak. The Los Angeles Unified School District, the nation’s second-largest school district behind New York City, also announced it … Read more

Emergency laws could force UK schools and nurseries to remain open

Schools FORCED to stay open despite coronavirus pandemic: Emergency laws could make schools and nurseries remain open as Gavin Williamson says parents don’t have to take time off Gavin Williamson said he was ‘mindful’ of increasing strain on public services The Education Secretary will meet union leaders and school bosses to form plan Britain is … Read more

More than 6 MILLION kids sent home because of the coronavirus pandemic: 10 states close schools

Ten states have ordered their schools to shut down while Washington State is closing schools in three counties near Seattle as more than six million American children will be staying home this month due to the coronavirus outbreak. The Los Angeles Unified School District, the nation’s second-largest school district behind New York City, also announced it … Read more