Boris Johnson has ‘deputised’ Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab

In a Twitter video posted on Friday from quarantine in No11, where he has been in self-isolation, an exhausted-looking Mr Johnson revealed he was still suffering from a high temperature Boris Johnson tonight effectively handed the reins of government to Dominic Raab as he battles coronavirus in intensive care. Downing Street said the PM had … Read more

Brits reveals what makes a ‘middle class lockdown’

How middle class is YOUR lockdown? People reveal the key ingredients including baking banana bread, growing tomatoes and fancying Rishi Sunak Twitter user has gone viral after listing the activities that make Brits in lockdown ‘middle class’  Flic Everett, a writer from Scotland, went online to share the 14 common ventures people are undertaking  Among … Read more

Coronavirus lockdown is costing Britain £2.4billion a DAY with young workers and women the worst hit

Coronavirus lockdown is costing Britain £2.4billion a DAY with young workers and women the worst hit… amid rumours of a Cabinet rift over when to end restrictions Britain’s coronavirus lockdown is costing the economy £2.4billion a day, according to the Centre for Economics and Business Research Report lays bare the ‘extremely severe consequences’ of social … Read more

Rishi Sunak at war with Matt Hancock over best way out of coronavirus lockdown

Two of the most senior Ministers leading the Government response to the coronavirus crisis are locked in battle over when to lift the economically devastating lockdown. Chancellor Rishi Sunak has made ‘robust’ representations to Health Secretary Matt Hancock, arguing that unless a path is mapped now for a swift return to normal economic activity it … Read more

Rishi Sunak boosts business support as coronavirus shutdown sees service sector COLLAPSE

What are the new measures that have been introduced?  The Treasury has confirmed: The introduction of a new Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) providing a Government guarantee of 80 per cent to enable loans of up to £25 million for firms with an annual turnover of between £45 million and £500 million A … Read more

Mortgage holidays for 1million homeowners as banks approve breaks for cash-strapped Britons

Mortgage holidays for 1million homeowners as banks approve breaks for cash-strapped Britons struggling to meet payments during lockdown Banks have approved nearly one million mortgage holidays for homeowners Industry bombarded with requests since Rishi Sunak’s announcement last week Financial Conduct Authority also plan to require banks to introduce £500 interest-free overdrafts By Ben Wilkinson Money Mail … Read more

Rishi Sunak bans banks from charging rip-off loans to ailing firms amid coronavirus crisis

Rishi Sunak bans banks from charging rip-off loans to ailing firms as the chancellor steps in after lenders were accused of exploiting businesses Rishi Sunak is stepping in after lenders were said to be exploiting businesses  Banks allegedly turning down requests for Government cash support scheme Some have been telling companies they can get one … Read more

Coronavirus: Business Secretary Alok Sharma fires broadside at UK banks

Business Secretary Alok Sharma today fired a broadside at UK banks as he warned them it would be ‘completely unacceptable’ to ‘unfairly refuse’ loans for coronavirus-hit firms.  The government previously set out the terms of a bailout for businesses to allow them to access money in order to stay afloat.  But many firms have detailed … Read more

Coronavirus UK: A fifth of UK firms could shut within four weeks

‘Greedy’ banks are threatening the future of up to a million firms who say they will go bust after being denied access to the Government’s emergency loan scheme to bail out businesses hit by coronavirus. Victims have told MailOnline the Treasury’s ‘approved’ lenders are ‘taking advantage’ of the crisis and offering interest rates of between seven … Read more

Nearly a million Britons try to claim Universal Credit over two week period

Nearly a million Britons try to claim Universal Credit over two week period after huge surge in ex workers claiming support amid coronavirus crisis Around 880,000 people applied for Universal Credit in a two week period This is significantly above the 100,000 applications normally made in a fortnight Labour MP Stephen Timms said some people … Read more