Coronavirus UK: Rishi Sunak warns of ‘tough times to come’

Rishi Sunak tonight warned of ‘more tough times to come’ amid warnings the economy faces shrinking by more than a third this quarter with two million people made jobless. The Chancellor said people should brace for ‘hardship’ as he insisted the hit from the lockdown measures designed to combat the deadly coronavirus would be ‘temporary’. … Read more

Coronavirus: Nicola Sturgeon reveals the UK will EXTEND the lockdown on Thursday

Nicola Sturgeon today revealed the UK will be extending its coronavirus lockdown for the foreseeable future as she announced the move before stand-in PM Dominic Raab.  The Scottish First Minister let slip at lunchtime that a UK-wide review of the social distancing measures due to be carried out by Thursday is ‘not likely to result … Read more

Divided Cabinet ‘wants Boris Johnson to take crunch lockdown decisions’

The Cabinet is hoping Boris Johnson will return to take crunch coronavirus lockdown decisions amid warnings GDP is set to crash by 30 per cent this quarter. Divisions have emerged in the PM’s top team over how soon the draconian curbs should be eased as they lay waste to the economy. Government sources say there … Read more

Chancellor ‘will warn economy risks reaching ‘tipping point’ if Cabinet doesn’t balance lockdown

Chancellor Rishi Sunak ‘will warn economy risks reaching ”tipping point” if Cabinet doesn’t balance the needs of protecting from coronavirus with the damage caused by lockdown’ Rishi Sunak will issue ministers with internal government forecasts on economy The Chancellor and Health Secretary to outline a model on economic aftermath It is understood there will be … Read more

Ex-Bank of England boss Lord King says Government should reopen schools and some businesses

Ministers faced fresh calls to publish their exit strategy for the coronavirus lockdown today.  The former bank of England Governor Lord King said that a ‘trial and error’ reopening of schools and some businesses should be considered to help re-start the economy.  The crossbench peer called for the Government to be clear about the obstacles … Read more

Farce as banks give coronavirus crisis loans to just 5,000 businesses

A pub landlord trying to get hold of a Government grant to keep his business afloat was told to send in three months of unredacted bank statements. Kyle Michael, owner of The White Swan pub in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, said this would be against guidance from his bank on data protection. The 49-year-old protested to Buckinghamshire County … Read more

Cabinet split: Hawks warn UK faces irreparable damage while doves favour extending the measures

Cabinet splits over coronavirus lockdown: Chancellor Rishi Sunak warns Britain faces irreparable damage if restrictions aren’t lifted soon – while Health Secretary Matt Hancock favours extending the measures to protect NHS workers Cabinet is split between hawks who want to lift lockdown in a few weeks and doves who want to delay until late May … Read more

Britain braces for WEEKS more lockdown as Dominic Raab chairs Cobra

Nicola Sturgeon pre-empted Dominic Raab’s coronavirus crisis meeting today by declaring there is ‘no possibility’ of lockdown being lifted any time soon. The Scottish First Minister confirmed the UK faces weeks more of draconian curbs, saying there was not yet enough evidence the ‘social distancing’ measures had the outbreak under control.   The intervention, which will … Read more

Lockdown ‘will last until MAY’: ‘No prospect’ of easing rules as death toll soars towards 1,000

The virus lockdown is set to extend into May after the daily death toll surged to almost 1,000. Rishi Sunak confirmed last night that a planned review of the emergency measures will take place next week. But, in a clear sign the restrictions will remain, the Chancellor said: ‘The priority is to stop the spread … Read more

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announces £750 million coronavirus bailout for struggling charities

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announces £750 million coronavirus bailout for struggling charities as he claims ‘unprecedented’ handout will keep tens of thousands afloat Rishi Sunak today announced £750m pot of cash to support frontline charities The Chancellor said £360m will come direct from government departments  Treasury suggested the cash will ensure tens of thousands of charities … Read more