Gibraltar dismisses Priti Patel’s radical new plans to process Channel migrants

Gibraltar and the Isle of Man today torpedoed claims they could be used by Priti Patel to house new processing centres for UK asylum seekers illegally arriving by sea or in the back of lorries. Political leaders have reacted angrily to the idea and demanded reassurance from the Home Secretary that migrants who enter Britain illegally … Read more

Priti Patel eyes radical new plan to send future Channel migrants overseas

Asylum seekers who cross the Channel illegally to reach Britain face being sent to another country. Priti Patel plans to take a much tougher stance on unauthorised migration to stop people smugglers exploiting desperate migrants and putting their lives at risk. Those who come to Britain from a safe country such as France will have their … Read more

Border agents admit that since Biden the number of migrants has ‘gone from a trickle to a torrent’

It began with the flicker of a flashlight, muffled voices and the gentle splash of paddles carrying softly across the stillness of the Rio Grande Valley. As the silhouette drew closer to the shore we could suddenly see the bow of a small boat and the faces of women and children peering back at us … Read more

Migrants arrested trying to get into port of Liverpool in trucks amid fears of criminal gangs

Migrants are arrested trying to get into Liverpool hidden in trucks on ferries as pictures show drinks cans, bags and ear defenders left behind in one trailer Business owner says he believes criminal gangs are behind number of crossings Director of Coyne Transport says it has worsened since they began route from Santander in Spain … Read more

Huge outdoor processing center is set up for migrants in Texas amid surge in border crossings

ICE officers have set up a new outdoor processing center in Texas as they struggle to deal with the soaring number of migrants crossing the southern border.  Photographs of the giant open-air facility – located in the Rio Grande Valley Center of the state – were obtained by Fox News on Saturday.  The shocking snaps … Read more

Afghan gang deflate and bury dinghies on French beaches before charging migrants £2,000 to get to UK

Afghan criminal gang are deflating and burying dinghies on French beaches before charging migrants £2,000 each to use them to get to the UK An alleged criminal network is thought to been buying second-hand boats online They then stashed the vessels – which could carry up to 15 migrants – near Calais The migrants would … Read more

Former skipper who piloted boat packed with migrants becomes tenth person to be jailed this year

Former skipper who piloted small boat packed with migrants across the English Channel becomes tenth person to be jailed for assisting unlawful immigration this year Fariboz Rakei took an inflatable boat across the Channel but was intercepted Boat designed to take eight people but it had 13 people on board including kid Border Force took … Read more

Trump slams Biden for ‘spiraling tsunami’ of migrants at the border and for disrespecting ICE

Donald Trump has slammed President Joe Biden and his ‘disastrous leadership’ for allowing a ‘spiraling tsunami’ of migrants and ‘criminals’ over the United States border. The former president claimed the Biden administration has ‘disrespected, demeaned, and mocked’ Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Border Patrol in a lengthy statement issued on Friday, adding that when … Read more

Injured and barefoot migrants arrive at Dover after crossing Channel in rubber dinghy

Around 15 migrants including many without shoes have been intercepted crossing the Channel in inflatable boats today. The first group of about seven men were brought into Dover Marina, Kent, on the back of a Border Force vessel shortly before 9am. Temperatures plummeted overnight to 4C as the men battled to cross the Channel on a … Read more

Britain’s population could shrink by two per cent after pandemic if 1.3million migrants don’t return

Britain’s population could shrink by two per cent after the coronavirus pandemic if 1.3million ‘missing’ migrant workers who left during crisis don’t return, watchdog warns A report says Britain’s population is ‘substantially smaller’ than official statistics Up to 1.3million people have left in the past year due to the Covid pandemic Brexit rules mean migrants … Read more