Surgeon General Jerome Adams: This will be ‘hardest and the saddest week of most Americans’ lives’

‘This is our Pearl Harbor moment’: Surgeon General Jerome Adams says coronavirus is defining moment for this generation, claiming this will be ‘the hardest and the saddest week of most Americans’ lives’ as death toll is expected to peak next Thursday The U.S. Surgeon General said Sunday that the next two weeks will be the … Read more

China’s toxic lackey: The head of the WHO stands accused of putting lives at risk

The Great Hall of the People has held many historic events since it was built six decades ago as a symbol of Communist Party power, ranging from the pomp of state funerals to a giant banquet during Richard Nixon’s famous 1973 visit. So as deaths started to spiral in China from coronavirus and fear grew … Read more

When the school run looks like this… Inside the lives of uber-rich kids

Private members’ club playdates, bespoke designer wardrobes and a personal bodyguard… Sadie Nicholas gets a peek into the rarefied life of a billionaire’s child   ‘These children are surrounded by staff yet, ironically, they are often lonely’ When personal bodyguard Leanne* arrived to meet her client one afternoon, she was informed of an impromptu change of … Read more

Coronavirus lockdown slashes air pollution in China by 25% ‘and could 36,000 lives a month’

Emissions Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the biggest contributors to global warming. After the gas is released into the atmosphere it stays there, making it difficult for heat to escape – and warming up the planet in the process.  It is primarily released from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and … Read more

How the lives of Britain’s Olympians have been turned upside down by coronavirus

Britain’s Olympians have told Sportsmail they face financial ruin with the Tokyo Games postponement putting their earnings for this year into doubt. The nation’s Tokyo medal hopefuls have been left anxious and unsure as they navigate the uncertainty surrounding their seasons with global sport at a standstill. Much of the world is in a coronavirus lockdown, forcing … Read more

Will cancelled cancer operations put patients’ lives at risk?

On March 18, Beth Purvis was due to have a 19mm tumour removed from her right lung. The operation was part of a four-year ordeal to keep her advanced bowel cancer at bay. But a week before she was due to have her potentially life-saving operation, Beth received a phone call to tell her it … Read more

ROBERT HARDMAN: Miraculous British ingenuity that will help save lives – and make your spirits soar 

Every pandemic in history has had its share of miracle potions and magic cures, most of which, sadly, have been anything but. Nonetheless, there is a real sense of the miraculous about the contraption sitting before me in a factory workshop on the outskirts of Worcester. It is the prototype of a mass- production hospital … Read more

Meet the army of selfless heroes who are risking their lives to battle coronavirus 

The Mail has long championed the tireless efforts of the doctors, nurses, assistants and volunteers who come together every day to help make our healthcare system the envy of the world. And in these particularly difficult times, as they stand together against coronavirus, we laud them now more than ever. Amazingly, not only are many … Read more

PIERS MORGAN: Boris Johnson’s dithering will have already cost a lot of British lives

Boris Johnson’s hero is Sir Winston Churchill. He loves him so much he even wrote an excellent book about him. Churchill, of course, made his legend by helping to win Britain the second World War. Now the current British Prime Minister is facing his own war and being tested like no other leader of this … Read more

‘They’re all MORONS risking their lives and everyone else’s’: Piers Morgan blasts ‘Covidiots’

‘They’re all MORONS risking their lives and everyone else’s’: Piers Morgan blasts Britons who snubbed social distancing advice to visit tourist spots and market places over the weekend despite UK coronavirus crisis Piers Morgan hit out at ‘morons’ who ignored social distancing at the weekend Speaking on Good Morning Britain he heaped scorn on those … Read more