UK economy grew by just 0.4% in October but remains 7.9% below pre-pandemic levels

UK economy was ALREADY slowing before blanket lockdown in England with growth of just 0.4% in October leaving it 8% smaller than before pandemic – amid fears it has since gone into reverse again UK economy has grown for six months running according to official statistics  Office for National Statistics says it has grown by … Read more

Good news for some of Britain’s rarest birds as ten species saw record levels of breeding in 2018

Great news for some of the UK’s rarest breeding birds, as ten species have been recorded in greater numbers than in any previous year, survey reveals.  The Rare Breeding Birds Panel (RBBP) worked with conservationists, scientists and thousands of birdwatchers to track the progress of the country’s rarest birds. The team discovered the results compiling … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: When it comes to the economic impact of the tier levels, No10 is flying blind

Finally MPs, the business community, employees and the rest of the country are discovering a terrible truth. When it comes to the economic impact of the tier levels that will determine the future of enterprise up and down the country during the coming months, the Government is clearly flying blind. Yesterday’s ‘impact statement’ was designed … Read more

NHS staff will face ‘massive levels of burnout’ and ‘very fragile’ mental health after the pandemic

NHS staff will face ‘massive levels of burnout’ and their mental health will be ‘very fragile’ once the pandemic ends, a top doctor has warned.   Dr Lewis Morrison, the chair of the British Medical Association in Scotland, spoke about the impact the pandemic was having on health professionals. ‘There has to be a conversation about … Read more

Neuroscience: Patience determined by levels of SEROTONIN in the brain, study finds 

Patience is determined by the levels of the hormone serotonin, dictating whether you can calmly anticipate a reward or crave instant gratification, a study has found. Researchers from Japan found that artificially triggering the release of the hormone in mice made the rodents more patient when waiting for food in lab experiments. Furthermore, the team … Read more

BBC’s is alienating older middle class viewers with satisfaction levels ‘starting to wane’

BBC’s desperate drive to win younger viewers is alienating older middle class ones with satisfaction levels ‘starting to wane’, Ofcom report warns Ofcom said the BBC was out of touch with large swathes of licence fee payers Satisfaction levels from over-55s and the well-off is ‘waning’ for the first time Ofcom warned that only half … Read more

Swab tests reveal high levels of coronavirus on gym door handles and self check-out stations

Why you MUST wash your hands after working out or shopping: Gym door handles and self check-out stations are covered in coronavirus but gas pumps are nearly virus-free, swab tests show Swab tests were conducted on 16 high-touch surfaces including gas pumps, door handles, shopping carts, credit card machines and check-out screens  Results from gas … Read more

Calls for GCSE and A-level grades to be set regionally this summer because of differing Covid levels

There have been more than 1,000 outbreaks of coronavirus in educational settings since schools reopened in September, the Government’s scientific advisers have suggested. An outbreak or cluster is classed by Public Health England (PHE) as two or more positive cases of Covid-19 related to one setting.  A document released by the Scientific Advisory Group for … Read more

UK economy could return to pre-pandemic levels in 2021 after vaccine news

UK economy could bounce back to pre-pandemic levels in SIX MONTHS thanks to vaccine breakthrough, experts claim – despite Bank of England warning it would take until 2022 Economists voice hope recovery could be quicker than feared due to vaccine  Bank of England suggested that UK plc will not reach 2019 levels until mid-2022 Claims … Read more

Covid-19 patients with even a slight drop in oxygen levels are at risk of death

Coronavirus patients who suffer even a slight drop in their oxygen levels are at a heightened risk of dying from the disease, a study has warned. Current NHS guidelines consider someone to be in the healthy range if their blood oxygen levels are between 94 and 98 per cent. Under the current system, people with … Read more