George Floyd murder investigation: Bail set for three officers

Bail has been set at $1million for each of the three police officers who did nothing as George Floyd died under the knee of Derek Chauvin after a tense court hearing which was heavily guarded by both army and police where one of the officer’s lawyer’s asked the judge: ‘What was he supposed to do? … Read more

Kanye West to pay for George Floyd’s daughter’s college tuition

Kanye West will pay college tuition for George Floyd’s six-year-old daughter Gianna as part of a $2MILLION donation that also helps Breonna Taylor’s and Ahmaud Arbery’s families Kanye West has set up a 529 college savings fund as part of $2million worth of donations to African American people who have recently been killed by police  … Read more

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson speaks out against Donald Trump in powerful speech: ‘Where is our leader?’

 Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has spoken out against US President Donald Trump in an impassioned speech supporting the Black Lives Matter movement a week after George Floyd was killed by police officers in Minnesota. The 48-year-old megastar took to his Instagram on Thursday morning to post an over eight-minute video of himself giving an impassioned … Read more

Brooklyn man, 20, who ‘stabbed police officer is immigrant with possible ties to terrorism’

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Thursday praised the New York Police Department hours after two officers were shot and one was stabbed in an ambush attack in Brooklyn while they were on anti-looting patrol. The comments from the governor came just days after he apologized to the NYPD for criticizing their failure to stop … Read more

George Floyd: Soldiers guard White House on protests’ 6th night

Soldiers continued to stand their ground throughout the night and into Thursday morning outside the White House and the Lincoln Memorial in the sixth day of protests in Washington D.C. The night was marked with a heavy military presence but there were no altercations reported between protesters and law enforcement as the sun rose and … Read more

George Floyd’s memorial service to be held in Minneapolis

Mourners have started converging in Minneapolis for the first in a series of a memorials for George Floyd whose death at the hands of police has sparked turbulent protests around the world against racial injustice.   The gold casket carrying Floyd’s body was taken to the North Central University in Minneapolis on Thursday ahead of the first of three … Read more

Obama-era intelligence posts bail for NYC lawyer alleged Molotov cocktail at Floyd protest

A lawyer and former intelligence official under the Obama administration guaranteed the $250,000 bail of a New York City attorney arrested for allegedly tossing a Molotov cocktail into an NYPD vehicle early Saturday morning during a protest decrying the police killing of George Floyd.  Attorney Salmah Rizvi agreed to guarantee the large sum explaining to … Read more

Met Police gave officers the green light to take a knee

The Metropolitan Police gave the green light to its officers taking a knee during the Black Lives Matter protest yesterday, while the rank-and-file union said the gesture ‘shows we are human beings.’ Several officers adopted the iconic pose in support of the anti-racism protests in London which were sparked by the death of George Floyd … Read more

Piers Morgan slams Donald Trump’s ‘unhinged’ lawyer Rudy Giuliani as pair clash on GMB

Rudy Giuliani’s defence of Donald Trump on Good Morning Britain descended into an explosive row with Piers Morgan today, culminating in the former mayor of New York City appearing to tell the presenter he ‘f***** up’ and Mr Morgan calling him ‘unhinged’ in return. Mr Giuliani, who led New York City in the wake of … Read more

Britons across the country kneel on their doorsteps in support of George Floyd

Thousands of Britons stepped outside their doorsteps last night to ‘take the knee’ and demand justice for the police killing of George Floyd. Fire brigades, police officers and emergency services across the country showed their support for the Black Lives Matter movement by standing outside their homes and places of work at 6pm yesterday in … Read more