Some supermassive black holes may be entrances to WORMHOLES

Some supermassive black holes may be entrances to WORMHOLES that could transport spacecraft to distant parts of the universe, astrophysicists suggest Very active galaxies with an active galactic nuclei are ‘candidates’ for wormholes Scientists believe these galactic cores connect distant points in time and space They are ‘traversable wormholes’ rather than a supermassive black hole … Read more

Nature: Honey bees in Asia daub hive entrances with other animals’ faeces to ward off giant hornets

To ward off attacks by terrifying giant hornets, honey bees in Asia speckle the entrances to their hives with the faeces of other animals, a study has found. Researchers in Vietnam were studying the Asian hornet, Vespa soror — cousin to North America’s ‘murder hornets’ — when they noted the bee’s defensive behaviour. The giant … Read more