Sir Paul McCartney brands Chinese wet markets ‘medieval’ and calls for them to be banned

Former Beatles frontman Sir Paul McCartney has branded Chinese wet markets ‘medieval’ in light of the coronavirus pandemic and called for them to be banned. Sir Paul slammed the Chinese government for allowing the food markets to continue, saying, ‘they might as well be letting off atomic bombs’. The animal rights activist was speaking to American … Read more

Andrew Cuomo calls Donald Trump ‘schizophrenic’ for claiming ‘total authority’ to re-open the U.S.

Donald Trump on Tuesday called any governor who resisted his ‘total authority’ as president a mutineer and threatened to withhold coronavirus aid from them if they didn’t heed his call to reopen the country. ‘Tell the Democrat Governors that “Mutiny On The Bounty” was one of my all time favorite movies. A good old fashioned … Read more

Barbra Streisand calls out ‘serial liar’ Trump for his ‘unfit’ leadership during pandemic

Barbra Streisand took to Twitter on Sunday to express her rage against president Donald Trump in a series of tweets focusing on what she termed ‘his incompetence and lies’ in the face of the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic. The two-time Oscar winner, 77, started things off on Sunday by referencing her politically-charged 2018 single Don’t Lie To … Read more

Alec Baldwin’s Trump calls into remote edition of SNL 

‘I’m very happy to report that America is now number one in the world with the coronavirus’: Alec Baldwin’s Trump calls into remote edition of SNL Alec Baldwin returned to Saturday Night Live to portray Donald Trump ‘America is now number one in the world for coronavirus,’ Baldwin said in character to Weekend Update hosts … Read more

Pope calls for global solidarity over coronavirus in streamed service from empty St Peter’s Basilica

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby urged crematoriums and local authorities not to treat coronavirus victims ‘like cattle’ and give them a dignified burial. Mr Welby – who normally presides over a congregation of 1,500 people at Canterbury Cathedral on Easter morning – delivered his Easter service on his iPad at his London flat after the … Read more

Let ordinary investors buy shares in wave of coronavirus cash calls

Britain’s stock market-listed businesses urged to allow ordinary investors to buy shares in wave of coronavirus cash calls A raft of London-listed firms have launched emergency rights issues  But so far, only institutional investors like hedge funds have been taking part Individual investors are being shunned despite their pre-emption rights But app PrimaryBid allows retail … Read more

British Medical Association chief calls for investigation into BAME coronavirus deaths

The head of the British Medical Association has called on the government to investigate if and why black, Asian and minority ethnic people are more likely to die from coronavirus.  The first ten doctors to die in the UK from Covid-19 were all BAME – with ancestry from regions including Asia, the Middle East and … Read more

Rics calls for a stamp duty holiday after coronavirus

Stamp duty holiday should be on the cards to get the property market moving after coronavirus, says Rics Short-term stamp duty holiday could get the market moving again, experts say Estate agents now typically only have around 40 homes on their books Completions, sales, viewings and mortgage deals at a standstill amid pandemic  By Jane … Read more

Trump calls WHO ‘China-centric’ and says he might slash funding

President Trump went after the World Health Organization in a tweet Tuesday, calling it too ‘China centric’ and threatening to trim U.S. funding from the body.  ‘The W.H.O. really blew it,’ Trump wrote. ‘For some reason, funded largely by the United States yet very China centric. We will be giving that a good look.’  Trump … Read more

Tony Blair calls for senior minister to be put in charge of mass coronavirus testing

Tony Blair calls for senior minister to be put in charge of mass coronavirus testing as pandemic approaches peak in the UK Former PM Tony Blair demands Government minister takes charge of virus tests Mr Blair’s intervention came amid concern over if UK will meet its testing goal The Government has set a target of … Read more