Is an interest rate cut this year now off the cards?

Top brass at the Bank of England have confirmed they are actively ‘considering’ whether or not to take UK interest rates into negative territory as a result of the economic fallout from the pandemic.

In its Monetary Policy Report today, the BoE has dedicated four pages to discussing negative interest rates, outlining both the pros and cons of such a move for households, banks and the broader economy.

‘Uncertainty’ is, as the Bank admits, the name of the game for now, and with that in mind it is clearly keeping its options open in terms of the future of monetary policy.

But the Bank said negative interest rates could be ‘less effective’ than other stimulus measures in view of the fact that many banks’ balance sheets are starting to struggle and face a spate of bad debts.

Economic shock: The UK faces its biggest economic slump for nearly 100 years

Interest rates: Shifts in UK interest rates over the years by the Bank of England

Interest rates: Shifts in UK interest rates over the years by the Bank of England

Speaking to reporters, BoE Governor Andrew Bailey said the central bank ‘was not planning’ to use negative interest rates ‘at the moment’, but said the option remained ‘in the tool box.’   

The BoE said today in its latest report: ‘The UK financial system is sound, and banks’ capital ratios have increased markedly over the past decade. Nonetheless, risks to banks’ balance sheets are likely to be rising at the moment.

‘The impact of Covid-19 on the economy will result in losses for lenders, as some businesses fail and some households lose their jobs.

‘As a result, implementing negative policy rates might be less effective in providing stimulus to the economy at the current juncture than at a time when banks’ balance sheets are improving.’ 

It added: ‘At present, banks’ balance sheets will be negatively affected by the period of severe economic disruption arising from Covid-19.

‘And they have an important role to play in helping the UK economy recover by providing finance for individuals and companies. 

‘As a result, negative policy rates at this time could be less effective as a tool to stimulate the economy. That said, the wider economy and banks’ balance sheets would be boosted by stimulus. The net effect of negative policy rates depends on these, among other, factors.’ 

The comments follow the Bank’s unanimous monetary policy committee vote to keep interest rates on hold at 0.1 per cent.

If rates were to turn negative, it would mean that commercial banks would for the first time be charged to lodge their money with the Bank. Those charges would probably in turn be passed on to savers and other customers.

It's decision time: Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey said negative interest rates were not in the pipeline 'at the moment'

It’s decision time: Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey said negative interest rates were not in the pipeline ‘at the moment’

A growing number of City analysts think a further interest rate cut is off the cards for now following today’s BoE report.

Seamus Mac Gorain, head of global rates at JP Morgan Asset Management, said: ‘Negative rates are possible in the UK, but not imminent. 

‘As expected, the Bank of England reduced the pace of QE and continued its discussion of a possible move to negative rates in the UK, while highlighting that the policy may be less effective at present when bank balance sheets are weakening. We expect UK gilts to remain well supported, because of the slow recovery in the UK and globally, and the possibility of a shift to negative rates.’

Meanwhile, the EY Item Club’s chief economist, Howard Archer, thinks the Bank is more likely to look to introduce other stimulus measures in the coming months rather than cut interest rates.

Archer said: ‘The EY ITEM Club believes the Bank of England will ultimately decide that it has a further role to play in helping the economy build a sustainable recovery amid likely still challenging and uncertain conditions. 

‘The EY ITEM Club expects the Bank of England to announce a further dose of asset purchases either at its September or (more likely) November meetings, most likely around £100 billion. This would take the total up to £845 billion.’

He said the Bank was ‘unlikely’ to cut interest rates further this year.

Speaking to This is Money, John Wraith, head of UK and European rates strategy, said: ‘With the net impact of a cut so mixed and uncertain, we expect the MPC to favour other tools (such as increasing QE further, reducing fees on the Term Funding Scheme, and possibly adopting more explicit forward guidance) over reducing Bank Rate below zero.’

But, earlier this week, a report from Bank of America claimed that the BoE was running out of options and looked set to turn interest rates negative in November.

BoA said: ‘The BoE has, in our view, no monetary ammunition left if it believes the lower bound for bank rate is the current 0.1%.’

It added: ‘With few options left we see the probability of BoE cutting bank rate negative next year approaching 50%.’

Predictions: The Bank of England could plunge interest rates into negative territory in November this year, Bank of America has claimed

Predictions: The Bank of England could plunge interest rates into negative territory in November this year, Bank of America has claimed

Bailey warns UK faces ‘very hard yards’  

BoE Governor Andrew Bailey told reporters today that the UK faced some ‘very hard yards’ in the years ahead.

He said certain elements of the economy ‘will not be viable’ in future, with the hospitality sector, namely hotels, bars and restaurants, most at risk. Bailey said the UK’s reliance on the service sector was once of the reason’s the country’s economy had been hit so hard during the pandemic. 

Speaking at a press conference to discuss the Monetary Report, Bailey said the forecast for unemployment levels to nearly double to 7.5 per cent this year was a ‘very bad story.’ But he also predicted it would fall over time to 4.5 per cent by the end of 2022, according to today’s forecasts.

With GDP expected to shrink by 9.5 per cent this year, Bailey said the BoE was ready to provide more stimulus if needed, having left policy unchanged today. 

The central bank said the immediate impact of the economy is likely to be shallower than it last projected, but the recovery was now expected to be more drawn out. 

Bailey told reporters: ‘There are some very hard yards, to borrow a rugby phrase, to come. And frankly, we are ready to act, should that be needed.’

But, he insisted the Bank had no plans to impose negative interest rates, even though it has identified them as part of its ‘toolkit’ of options.

Negative interest rates could weaken the UK financial sector even further, thus destabilising the economy even more – Michael Hewson  

Threadneedle Street had previously warned that GDP could collapse by 14 per cent this year in the biggest economic shock for three centuries. Now, it forecasts GDP to fall to the lowest level for 99 years.

On the inflation front, the BoE now expects the consumer prices index to come in at 0.25 per cent this, and then recover sharply to 1.75 per cent next year. 

But, one analyst, Michael Hewson, of CMC Markets UK, think the BoE may have been too optimistic with its latest forecasts.

In respect of inflation, Hewson said: ‘This stands in stark contrast to their May predictions of 0.6% and 0.5% respectively. This seems a stretch, if as they predict unemployment stays high, and the recovery is as muted as they say..’

Meanwhile. on the subject of unemployment, Hewson said: ‘If anything, their unemployment targets may be a little on the optimistic side, along with their predictions of the strength of any recovery. 

Their predictions for credit losses of around £80bn also seem a little on the low side, given the potential for future localised outbreaks and lockdowns.’

Job losses: Unemployment looks set to rise over 7% this year, the BoE said today

Job losses: Unemployment looks set to rise over 7% this year, the BoE said today

Hewson also said that the BoE’s continued discussion over the potential for negative interest rates was a ‘dead horse’.

He said: ‘We already know from the experience of Japan and Europe the damage negative rates does to the banking system overall, and the UK with its huge financial sector is unlikely to be any different. If anything negative rates could weaken the UK financial sector even further, thus destabilising the economy even more.’

Over 9million people remain on furlough via the Job Retention Scheme, which has already cost the Government over £30billion. 

Latest data suggests that unemployment levels held steady at 3.9 per cent in the first few months after the pandemic hit, but forecasts are gloomy, with big-names including Dixons Carphone, WH Smith and John Lewis already announcing mass job cuts. 

Green shoots in the economy? 

While pockets of the economy, including the housing sector, service sector and elements of the retail sector, particularly online, have shown promising green shoots, consumers remain wary as job cuts mount.

In signs that pockets of the economy are springing back to life, in some form at least, the UK’s service sector, which includes businesses like hotels and restaurants,  expanded at its fastest rate for five years in July as the easing of lockdown restrictions helped to drive a rebound in activity.

The closely watched IHS Markit/CIPS Services purchasing managers’ index rose to 56.5 last month, up from 47.1 in June. But, the figure was marginally lower than analyst expectations of 56.6.  

Figures published today by IHS Markit also revealed that output in the construction sector rose at its fastest pace since 2015 in July, with sites reopening as lockdown restrictions were eased.

But, jobs within the construction sector remain in jeopardy. IHS Markit said: ‘The latest data signalled a sharp rate of job shedding, with around one-in-three survey respondents (34%) reporting a fall in employment.’ 

Last month, the Office for National Statistic said the UK’s gross domestic product grew by 1.8 per cent in May as the economy staged a modest recovery from April, when GDP crashed by a fifth during the first full month of lockdown.   

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