Indian CEO behind world’s biggest vaccine producer

The delay in vaccine shipments to Britain from an Indian pharma giant run by a father and son with a fleet of luxury cars comes amid a resurgence of Covid-19 infections which is causing fears of a second wave in the country of 1.4billion.   Billionaire Adar Poonawalla and his father Cyrus linked up their Serum … Read more

The world’s most beautiful buildings according to science and it’s St Paul’s Cathedral that’s No1 

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But science has another take on this, that what’s pleasing on the eye follows the ‘golden ratio’ – and researchers say that according to this theory, Sir Christopher Wren’s St Paul’s Cathedral in London is the most beautiful building in the world, because it adheres most closely … Read more

Robotics: World’s smallest origami BIRD created that is 20 times smaller than a grain of sand

Scientists create the world’s smallest origami BIRD that is 20 times smaller than a grain of sand The tiny self-folding robot birds were made by experts from the United States Each is 60 microns wide and made from a sheet of material only 30 atoms thick The sheet is a ‘shape memory actuator’ which folds … Read more

World’s first remote tattoo is commissioned in real-time using a 5G-powered robotic arm

The world’s first remote tattoo was completed by a 5G-powered robotic arm fitted with a tiny needle. Tattoo artist Wes Thomas drew the design on a mannequin arm while a robot in another location copied his motions on Dutch actress Stijn Fransen’s wrist. The final result is a ‘minimalist’ design that honors Fransen’s love out … Read more

UK ban on one of the world’s most dangerous terrorist groups – the Tamil Tigers – may be lifted

Britain’s ban on Tamil Tigers terrorist group may be lifted after secretive tribunal ordered Priti Patel to conduct a review Ruling told Home Secretary to consider taking Tamil Tigers off list of outlaws  Group founded in Sri Lanka in 1976  and credited with devising the suicide vest   UK banned group, formally known as Liberation Tigers … Read more

Exploring Dr Jenner’s House in Gloucestershire – the world’s first vaccination hub

A museum for our times: The world’s first vaccination hub is in line to become a must-see attraction Vaccination was invented at Dr Jenner’s House in Berkeley some 200 years ago Well-wishers have sent donations to help save the little-known country museum  It hopes to re-open in June and is set to be a must-see post-lockdown … Read more

Radio 4’s Sarah Sands found peace in the world’s most isolated communities 

SOCIETY  The Interior Silence  By Sarah Sands (Short Books £12.99, 256pp)  Speed and judgment are the characteristics of our time,’ says Sarah Sands.  And as editor of BBC Radio 4’s Today programme from 2017 to 2020, she found her life was dominated by both. Listeners were divided over Brexit and she describes Today as a lightning … Read more

Hyperloop for Chicago-Cleveland route steps closer with unveiling of world’s first safety valve

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HTT), the group building the Cleveland Hyperloop, has unveiled the world’s first full scale isolation valve that can withstand up to 288,000 pounds of force. The 16.5-foot valves will be placed every seven miles throughout the tube system that closes off a section for maintenance, while allowing cars to continue through vacuumed … Read more

US obesity crisis to blame for it having one of the world’s worst Covid death tolls, major report

The US may have suffered the highest coronavirus death toll in the world because almost 70 per cent of its adult population is overweight, according to a major report.  Research by the World Obesity Federation found Covid deaths have been 10 times higher in countries where over half of adults are overweight, and they have accounted … Read more

The world’s oldest person, 118, will carry the Olympic flame at Tokyo Games

An eternal flame!: The world’s oldest person, 118, is aiming to carry the Olympic torch for the Tokyo Games Kane Tanaka, 118, plans to carry the Olympic torch 100 metres in Japan this May The supercentenarian has survived two battles with cancer and two pandemics Her grandson said only her health or weather conditions would … Read more