Matt Hancock hopes ‘treatable’ virus will become a disease we can ‘live with, like we do flu’

Covid will be with us long-term: Matt Hancock hopes ‘treatable’ virus will become a disease we can ‘live with, like we do flu’ within 12 months as he says all adults will likely be offered a vaccine ‘a bit before’ September Matt Hancock says he expects every adult to be offered vaccine by September  The … Read more

Pfizer Covid jab offers two-thirds protection against virus after one dose, new data is set to show

The Pfizer and Oxford Covid jabs offer two-thirds protection against the virus after just one injection, new data is set to reveal. The Pfizer vaccine starts to immunise in as little as two weeks and is just as effective in the elderly as it is in the young, official findings will reveal in the coming … Read more

Dr Fauci says anti-vaxxers in the UK, US and other countries will stop virus eradication

Anti-vaxxers in the UK, US and other countries could stop the world from eradicating coronavirus, warns top US disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci Top American expert compared Covid-19 to the measles outbreaks in the US Although the vaccine for the disease is 98 per cent effective, these still occur He warned this was due to … Read more

Zero Covid is a mirage, says JONATHAN SUMPTION – the virus is here to stay

Coronavirus has divided society. A chasm of mutual misunderstanding and resentment has opened up. On one side are people who want to be allowed to make their own judgments about risk, in the light of their own vulnerabilities and those of the people around them. On the other side are people who think their safety … Read more

Love Island’s Rachel Fenton receives Covid vaccine after contracting the virus TWICE 

Love Island star Rachel Fenton confirmed she received the Covid-19 vaccine on Friday after previously contracting the virus twice. The Orthopaedic Clinical Nurse Specialist, 27, shared a selfie receiving the injection to Instagram as she thanked the medical field and hoped that ‘it’s the beginning of the end’. She revealed she tested positive for the … Read more

Pregnant Covid conspiracy theorist, 28, admits virus is ‘real’ after she tested positive

‘I would not wish this on anyone’: Pregnant Covid conspiracy theorist, 28, admits virus is ‘real’ after she tested positive and was left struggling to breathe as she pleads with people to stay at home Tori Howell adamantly believed pandemic was a hoax before getting symptoms She then tested positive and is now at home struggling … Read more

Coughing Covid patients put frontline NHS staff at higher risk of catching the virus, study finds 

Coughing Covid patients put frontline NHS staff at far higher risk of catching the virus than thought and PPE plans may need a complete rethink, study finds Researchers found that coughing produces 10 times more infectious ‘aerosol’ There are now calls for healthcare workers to be given FFP3 respirator masks Dr James Dodd’s research suggests … Read more

Family of grandfather, 91, who is battling Covid in hospital fear he caught virus from a PEN

The family of a 91-year-old grandfather who is in hospital with Covid-19 fear he may have caught the deadly virus from a pen at a vaccination centre. Peter Short had not left his home in Bloxwich, Walsall, since last February before he was invited to have the Pfizer-BioNtech injection last month. The retired ITV engineer, who … Read more

Singer, 28, issues heartbreaking plea for people to ‘stay safe’ days before she died from virus 

Singer, 28, who documented intensive care battle with Covid on Facebook and issued heartbreaking plea for people to ‘stay safe’ dies from virus as family pay tribute Kyanna Sutton was just 28 years old when she died after short battle with Covid Singer had suffered with severe asthma since childhood and had been shielding Kyanna … Read more