Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich tips President Trump for landslide victory over Biden in November

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said he’s tipping President Trump to defeat Joe Biden in a landslide victory this November. The 77-year-old made the declaration of confidence during an interview with Fox News on Saturday night, assuring viewers the chances of Trump retaining his role as commander-in-chief are looking very good. ‘I’m predicting that it … Read more

How Steve Bannon led 2016 Trump victory but now faces prison

Steve Bannon, who was arrested on a boat in the Long Island Sound on Thursday, helped conceive Donald Trump’s populist campaign message – only to fall out of favor and get indicted for allegedly pocketing thousands of dollars from fervent believers of a border wall. Bannon was a shadowy and influential figure in Trump’s 2016 … Read more

The battle of the Murdoch brothers: How James’ shock resignation hands victory to Lachlan

James Murdoch’s resignation from the family firm represents a victory for his older brother in the epic power struggle between the two siblings and their Succession-style battle to succeed their father. His decision to ditch News Corp – citing ‘disagreements over certain editorial content published by the company’s news outlets’ – sent shockwaves through the … Read more

Russell Crow: The guilt that overshadowed his 2001 Oscar victory

‘Why did I get all the attention?’ Gladiator star Russell Crowe shares the secret guilt that overshadowed his Academy Award for Best Actor in 2001 By Monique Friedlander For Daily Mail Australia Published: 04:48 BST, 21 July 2020 | Updated: 05:25 BST, 21 July 2020 He won an Academy Award for Best Actor in 2001 … Read more

Don’t dig for victory! Charles Dowding reveals how he produces super veg with his ‘no dig’ method

Since March, sales of vegetable plants and seeds have been soaring. The demand has been so great that some online nurseries have had to suspend their websites at times to cope with the rush of orders. One person who has been helping novice growers get to grips with their new-found passion for ‘grow your own’ … Read more

Henry Deedes: Boris Johnson blasts way to victory at PMQs

Boris Johnson blasted his way to victory over Sir Keir Starmer at PMQs, though it wasn’t pretty.  A triumph of bludgeon over rapier, blunderbuss over pistolet. As displays go, this was a ragged, up-by-the-scruff-of-the-neck sort of performance. What tennis coaches call ‘winning ugly’. But it was no less enjoyable for that. Prime Minister Boris Johnson … Read more

France to reopen for business as Emmanuel Macron declares ‘first victory’ over Covid-19

France will reopen for business on Monday after President Emmanuel Macron announced a ‘first victory’ against coronavirus. In an upbeat live TV address on Sunday night, the head of state said virtually all lockdown restrictions for bars, restaurants and cafes would end at the start of this coming week. Schools, colleges and nurseries will then … Read more

Melania Trump told staff: ‘Stop calling me first lady’ after her husband’s shock election victory

Melania Trump was so uncertain of herself in the aftermath of husband Donald’s shock election victory that she told staff not to use her new title, a new book has claimed. ‘She said, “Stop calling me first lady,”‘ one of the people who worked with her after the election told author Mary Jordan.  Jordan writes that … Read more

Coronavirus death toll hits 400,000 with 6.9 million infected as Pope warns ‘don’t cry victory’ 

The confirmed global death toll from the COVID-19 virus reached at least 400,000 fatalities on Sunday, as Pope Francis warns the world ‘don’t cry victory too soon’. Worldwide, at least 6.9 million people have been infected by the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University, whose aggregated tally has become the main worldwide reference for monitoring the … Read more