Tuberculosis vaccine could be used to prevent the spread of coronavirus

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

US coronavirus: Scientists say eventual vaccine could provide years of protection

Scientists have provided a ray of hope in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, saying that when a vaccine is eventually available, it would likely provide long-term protection. Depending on how quickly a virus mutates, some vaccines have to be regularly updated, such a flu vaccines that have to be administered every year. Other vaccines, … Read more

Trials begin on British coronavirus vaccine at Government’s secret science base Porton Down

Human and animal trials for a British vaccine against the coronavirus are set to begin next week at the Government’s secret science base Porton Down.  Scientists will test the drug, made at Oxford University, on animals at the Wiltshire base before trialling on humans next month. The Times reports that the Phase II trials will … Read more

Experimental cancer vaccine that teaches the body destroy tumours sends patients into remission

A cancer vaccine that teaches the body to fight tumours has put three lymphoma patients into remission. The vaccine is injected directly into the tumour and teaches the immune system to destroy it, as well as seek other cancerous cells.  Researchers tested it on 11 patients with lymphoma and said some were in full remission … Read more

Former chief scientific adviser says Britain could be up to a year away from a coronavirus vaccine

Former chief scientific adviser says Britain could be up to a year away from a coronavirus vaccine after experts warned it could be slower to reach UK after Brexit Sir Mark Walport said the challenge is to make sure the vaccine is safe for use Said it was unlikely there would be a vaccine for … Read more

Donald Trump tries to pay German company creating experimental coronavirus vaccine to move to the US

German officials are trying to stop the Trump administration from luring German biopharmeceutical company CureVac to the US to get its experimental coronavirus vaccines exclusively for Americans.     President Donald Trump has offered funds to lure the company CureVac to the US. The German government has made counter-offers to make the company stay, according to a … Read more

First human trials of coronavirus vaccine could start within days in the US

The first human trials of a coronavirus vaccine are to be launched within days, scientists in the US have said. The ‘genetic hack’ was accelerated past the animal testing stage and will be used on healthy volunteers, then patients if it deemed safe. It comes as scientists in Britain said a vaccine could be tested on humans … Read more

Every baby in the UK could get the chickenpox vaccine

Government scientists are considering a national campaign to vaccinate all babies against chickenpox – almost a decade after they last looked at the possibility. While many consider the childhood illness a rite of passage – and for most it is relatively harmless – for a few it can lead to serious complications, including sepsis, pneumonia … Read more

Fears whooping cough is evolving into a SUPERBUG as doctors say a new vaccine is desperately needed

Bacteria responsible for whooping cough are morphing into superbugs, scientists warn. Australian experts say bordetella pertussis is becoming increasingly better at hiding from the immune system.  The evolving bacteria are producing more nutrient-transporting proteins that help it multiply rapidly. It is also triggering less immune responses, causing fewer symptoms. This allows it to slip under … Read more

Get PAID to have coronavirus: Scientists in London will pay volunteers £3,500 to develop a vaccine

Someone who is infected with the coronavirus can spread it with just a simple cough or a sneeze, scientists say. Nearly 4,000 people with the virus are now confirmed to have died and more than 110,000 have been infected. Here’s what we know so far: What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of … Read more