CDC urges states to start vaccinating Americans with disabilities

New federal recommendations suggest states include people with disabilities or cognitive decline and their caretakers on their lists of who is eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.  On Tuesday evening, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly updated its guidance on who should be getting the shots.  CDC officials continued to stress that all … Read more

Matt Hancock urges England to stay vigilant after study claims the decline in Covid cases has SLOWED

The Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the ‘hard-won’ progress of the last two months could be at risk Matt Hancock has urged England to stay vigilant after a major surveillance study claimed the rate of decline in coronavirus cases has slowed, and infections could even be rising in London and the South East.  The Health … Read more

Erin Molan urges fans to ‘talk to doctor if something isn’t right’ as she has her first colonoscopy

Erin Molan has her first colonoscopy after her sister’s struggle with bowel cancer – and urges fans to ‘talk to a doctor if something doesn’t feel right’ By Mary Mrad For Daily Mail Australia Published: 22:01 GMT, 3 March 2021 | Updated: 22:01 GMT, 3 March 2021 Erin Molan has revealed she had her first … Read more

Doctor urges people to replace their pillows every two years because of dust mites

This is why you need to replace your pillow every two years: Doctor warns that bedding gets riddled with dust mites and bacteria that grows on yellow sweat spots Dr Karan Raj, from UK, told how people should replace pillows every two years  Took to TikTok and explained how they become riddled with dust mites … Read more

Top German doctor urges Chancellor Angela Merkel, 66, to have Oxford’s vaccine live on television

A senior German immunologist has urged Angela Merkel to be vaccinated with the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine live on television.   Carsten Watzl, secretary general of the German Society for Immunology, said the Chancellor of Germany should allow over-65’s to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine and suggested she lead by example.  Officials fed doubts over the Oxford University researched jab’s effectiveness amid reports … Read more

Consumer watchdog urges Government to protect ATMs

Protect our ATMs! Consumer watchdog urges Government to step in and save dwindling number of cash machines  Calls have intensified for governmetn to protect dwindling numbers of ATMs  Many have been replaced with machines that now charge up to £2 a time  Some 12,700 free-to-use ATMs have been removed across country since 2018  By Sean … Read more

Events industry urges Rishi Sunak to help it ‘avoid collapse’ as 93% of workers see income plummet

The live events industry has launched a hard-hitting campaign highlighting the turmoil its workers are going through,  and urging the Government to act now and safeguard the sector’s future. The campaign, ‘The Government Can’t See Us, Can You?’ or #GovCantSeeUs, shows the devastation the coronavirus pandemic has wrought on the live events supply chain.  Professionals … Read more

Merkel admits -‘We are in coronavirus third wave’: Germany urges population to take AstraZeneca jab

Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that Germany is now in the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, two sources told Reuters news agency. ‘We are now in the third wave,’ Merkel told lawmakers in her conservative party on Wednesday, according to two sources who attended the meeting. The chancellor is also said to have warned … Read more

Boris Johnson must end ban on outdoor sports now, top scientist urges

Boris Johnson must end ban on outdoor sports now, top scientist urges, as Covid hospitalisations, cases and deaths ‘plunge’ and vaccinations soar Professor Mark Woolhouse calls for accelerated ease of lockdown restrictions  Says small numbers of adults and kids should be allowed to play sports outside  Added the data is so promising that outdoor sports … Read more

Princess Latifa’s best friend urges the world to act and calls for tourists to boycott Dubai

‘I am truly afraid for her’: Princess Latifa’s best friend urges the world to act and calls for tourists to boycott Dubai over royal ‘held hostage’ by her own family  Princess Latifa released videos this week suggesting she is being held hostage The UAE embassy in London said in a statement she is being cared … Read more