‘Over expansion’ of universities is leaving students with ‘heavy debts for little economic benefit’

‘Over expansion’ of universities is leaving poorer students with ‘heavy debts for little economic benefit’ think tank warns as it calls for ‘radical reform’ of sector Dr Lee Jones and Dr Philip Cunliffe penned the report on universities’ struggles They recommend closing and merging some as well as making entry harder Universities are already facing … Read more

Nine UK universities that rely on Chinese students for a FIFTH of their income

1) University of Glasgow 31% of total tuition income paid by Chinese students £70million estimated income from Chinese students 10% of students from China  2) University of Liverpool 29% of total tuition income paid by Chinese students £89million estimated income from Chinese students 19% of students from China 3) University of Sheffield 26% of total … Read more

Struggling universities must tackle ‘cancel culture’ to be handed emergency loans

Struggling universities must tackle ‘cancel culture’ and ‘demonstrate commitment to free speech’ to be handed emergency loans, Education Secretary Gavin Williamson says Struggling universities must meet specific criteria to qualify for emergency loan  Education Secretary Gavin Williamson said they must commit to free speech Universities must ensure student union funding caters to all students’s needs  … Read more

British universities are warned not to censor themselves or water down ideas to appease China

British universities are warned not to censor themselves or water down ideas to appease China amid fears Beijing could punish institutions that speak out on issues like Hong Kong China expert Kerry Brown said that offending Beijing was ‘never difficult’  He added that it has become even easier under the rule of President Xi Jinping … Read more

Thirteen universities facing closure after £19bill blackhole caused by pandemic

At least 13 universities are at risk of closure amid a financial black hole in the sector of up to £19billion due to the pandemic, research suggests. They may need Government bailouts, debt restructuring or mergers to survive. And up to 20 universities could go to the wall if there is a significant second spike of … Read more

British universities will be told how to protect themselves from foreign interference

British universities will be told how to protect themselves from Chinese meddling after years of attracting thousands of lucrative students from China Universities UK will introduce the country’s first security guidelines of their kind Politicians fear Chinese research contributions will be used as political leverage The guidelines will  address cyber and physical security on university campuses … Read more

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings donates $120 Million to historically black colleges and universities

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and his wife, Patty Quillin, announced Wednesday that they will donate $120 million to support scholarships at historically black colleges and universities. The donation, the largest of its kind, will be split between Spelman College, Morehouse College and the United Negro College Fund, which will each receive $40 million. Calling it … Read more

Universities told to lower A-level offers to help poorest students

Universities are told to lower their A-level offers even further to help the country’s poorest students Suggestion was made by Lee Elliot Major, a professor of social mobility He called for a review of teacher-assessed GCSE and A-level results this summer Professor is worried teachers will ‘unintentionally’ undersestimate poorer pupils Students who left their revision to … Read more

British universities fall in rankings

British universities are failing to make the grade: Three-quarters of our further education colleges slipped down the global league table last year, figures show UK universities have fallen in the global league table with three falling this year Experts have blamed ‘consistent decreases’ in teaching capacity and research  It is feared universities will fall more … Read more

Outrage as British universities ‘host exams’ for hate preacher’s online college

Four British universities have today distanced themselves from a radical Islamic preacher – who was banned from the UK for his extremist views – after they were listed as ‘approved exam centres’ for an online college he runs.  Loughborough, Surrey, Gloucestershire and Cranfield in Bedford are listed on the website of the International Open University, … Read more