Scientists can tweak Covid vaccines to target new mutant strains in DAYS, experts claim

Current Covid vaccines could be reprogrammed to target new strains in just ‘a few days’, experts said today in a bid to calm fears about the South African variant.   Top Government scientists have warned changes to the virus may mean the current wave of vaccines are less effective against it or don’t work at all. … Read more

Coronavirus: Twitter to tweak way it flags false 5G claims

5G is a form of mobile internet which utilises high levels of the electromagnetic spectrum and poses no known risk to human health. It is becoming widely integrated in telecommunications and offers ultra-fast mobile internet.  But the form of wireless communication is called non-ionising, meaning it can not damage DNA or bodily tissues.   Many phones … Read more

Microsoft forced to tweak cloud services after seeing 775 PERCENT demand increase due to isolation

Microsoft is forced to tweak its cloud services after seeing a 775 PERCENT demand increase due to coronavirus isolation measures Microsoft has seen a surge in its cloud services due to coronavirus isolation  The company says its cloud services have surged 775 percent in affected areas As a result it will alter services to maintain … Read more