Dunkirk ‘Little Ship’ which rescued 130 troops during World War II evacuation is sold for £40,000

The evacuation from Dunkirk was one of the biggest operations of the Second World War and was one of the major factors in enabling the Allies to continue fighting. It was the largest military evacuation in history, taking place between May 27 and June 4, 1940.  The evacuation, known as Operation Dynamo, saw an estimated … Read more

US general skeptical that bounties led to troops’ deaths

Army Sgt. Cameron A. Meddock, 26, died at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany from small-arms fire wounds he received in Badghis province in northwest Afghanistan, Jan. 17, 2019 Army Sgt. 1st Class Joshua ‘Zach’ Beale, 32, was killed by small-arms fire in southern Uruzgan province, Jan. 22 Army Sgt. 1st Class Will D. Lindsay, … Read more

Beijing’s troops remove structures from contested Himalayan valley

Chinese troops have started removing tents and other structures from a contested Himalayan valley where they fought a deadly battle with Indian soldiers last month. 20 Indian soldiers were killed in brutal hand-to-hand fighting on June 15 in the Galwan Valley in Ladakh, sending tensions soaring between the nuclear-armed neighbours. China has acknowledged it suffered … Read more

Colorized images of US troops preparing for Korean war in 1950

Photographs of the Korean War have been brought back to life in color seventy years on from its outbreak, which began on June 25, 1950. North Korea invaded their southern neighbors, five years after the end of World War II, when Korea was liberated by the United States and the Soviet Union from imperial Japanese … Read more

Braced for battle: Colorized images show US troops preparing to go to war in Korea 70 years ago

Photographs of the Korean War have been brought back to life in color seventy years on from its outbreak, which began on June 25, 1950. North Korea invaded their southern neighbors, five years after the end of World War II, when Korea was liberated by the United States and the Soviet Union from imperial Japanese … Read more

Trump says thousands of U.S. troops will move from Germany to Poland

Donald Trump says thousands of U.S. troops will move from Germany to Poland as he attacks Angela Merkel’s government for ‘not paying’ for NATO President Trump said Wednesday at a press conference with the Polish president that he was open to sending U.S. troops stationed in Germany to Poland  ‘Some will be coming home and … Read more

Troops prepare to parade through Red Square as Putin whips up patriotic fervour ahead of vote

Columns of tanks and troops are parading through Red Square today as President Vladimir Putin oversees grand World War II commemorations to stir up patriotic fervour ahead of a vote on extending his rule. Forced to postpone the country’s traditional May 9 Victory Day celebrations by the coronavirus pandemic, Putin rescheduled the parade for just a … Read more

Afghan troops witch-hunt was axed a YEAR ago but nobody told the veterans fearing prosecution 

The Defence Secretary was last night accused of a cover-up after it emerged a £10million probe into Afghan veterans was secretly closed down a year ago. Operation Northmoor was ended by the provost marshal heading the Royal Military Police investigation last summer, according to a defence source. Ben Wallace has been accused of prolonging the … Read more

No more British troops will be prosecuted over alleged war crimes in Afghanistan

No more British troops will be prosecuted over Afghanistan war crimes, Veteran’s minister Johnny Mercer says after £10m probe was closed without bringing any charges Inquiry by Royal Military Police found no evidence with which to bring charges At peak, investigation looked into 675 criminal allegations from 159 people Comes as UK government proposes laws … Read more

China lays claim to entire Galwan Valley where Chinese and Indian troops fought deadly brawl

China has laid claim to the entire Galwan Valley on the Himalayan border where Chinese and Indian troops fought in a deadly midnight battle using spiked clubs and rocks just days ago. The midnight brawl in part of the disputed Ladakh region along the Himalayan frontier was the deadliest in 45 years. Some 63 soldiers … Read more