Cannabis is bad for your HEART: Doctors warn using the drug can trigger heart attacks and strokes

Cannabis is bad for the heart and may trigger heart attacks and strokes, doctors have warned.  The American Heart Association (AHA), who reviewed the available evidence, now recommend avoiding cannabis to protect the heart. In a scientific statement, it said smoking cannabis has some of the same harms as tobacco, which is known to be … Read more

Exotic weather on Jupiter is caused by ‘mushballs’ of water and ammonia that trigger huge storms 

Exotic weather on Jupiter is caused by slushy ‘mushballs’ made of water and ammonia that trigger huge storms on the gas giant, studies have revealed. Ammonia — a key ingredient in fertiliser — acts like an anti-freeze when it mixes with ice crystals, causing them to melt and in turn trigger vast storms. Images from … Read more

School reopenings WILL trigger coronavirus outbreaks, study suggests

School reopenings WILL trigger coronavirus outbreaks, study suggests: Korean CDC finds middle and high school-age children can spread the virus just as easily as adults The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked at household and nonhousehold contacts of more than 5,700 coronavirus patients Children under age 10 were about half as likely as … Read more

Police fear new take-away booze law will trigger rise in disorder

Police fear new take-away booze law will trigger rise in disorder as crowds gather on streets outside pubs to drink Pubs will be entitled to serve alcohol for people to drink on the pavement Alcohol-fuelled masses could descend to the streets forcing police to intervene Police chiefs having ‘intense conversations’ with government about concerns NPCC … Read more

Covid may trigger onset of diabetes in healthy people

Diabetes puts people at a higher risk of developing severe COVID-19 because it makes the immune system weaker, scientists say. The illness, which affects more than four million people in the UK, is caused by abnormal levels of sugar in the blood. For most people this takes the form of Type 2 diabetes, in which … Read more

Reopening schools is ‘unlikely’ to trigger a second wave of COVID-19 infection, say scientists

Scientists say the reopening of schools in England, both primary and secondary, is ‘unlikely’ to lead to a second wave of coronavirus infections. The gradual reopening of schools, starting with primary schools, wouldn’t drive the average coronavirus transmission rate above one, infectious disease experts claim.  Their mathematical modelling study shows that the impact of less … Read more

Tear gas used by riot police may trigger the spread of coronavirus among protesters

Tear gas being used amid protests sweeping the nation in the aftermath of the police killing of George Floyd could leave people more vulnerable to coronavirus infection, experts warn.  And that risk compounds the heightened risk of exposure that comes with gathering in tightly-packed crowds in the first place.  Tear gas is designed to irritate … Read more

Giant magnetic spots on the surface of extremely hot stars trigger giant flares, study shows 

Plagued by spots! Giant magnetic patches on the surface of extremely hot and small stars can trigger giant flares, study shows Experts used Chile’s ‘Very Large Telescope’ to study distant small and hot stars They found that these stars appeared to change in brightness periodically This is caused by bright spots on their surface coming … Read more

Experts say protests following George Floyd’s death could trigger a second wave of coronavirus

Thousands of Americans left their homes and took to the streets to protest across the country after the death of George Floyd. The 46-year-old black man died in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on Memorial Day after a white police officer arrested him for allegedly using a counterfeit $20 and knelt on his neck for eight minutes while … Read more

Melting glacier in Alaska could trigger a catastrophic tsunami ‘within the next year’, experts warn

Melting glacier in Alaska could trigger a catastrophic tsunami ‘within the next year’ that would release millions of tons of rock on a nearby town, scientists warn An open letter signed by 14 experts warn a tsunami could soon occur in Alaska  A retreating glacier is supporting an unstable mountain slope east of Anchorage Warming … Read more