Trump refuses to let Dr. Tony Fauci answer about anti-malarial as a coronavirus treatment 

President Donald Trump stopped Dr. Tony Fauci from answering a question about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in treating the coronavirus as he tried to push a more hopeful message about the pandemic. The president started his daily press briefing on a hopeful note, saying there was a  ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ in … Read more

Cancer survival rates will fall if coronavirus crisis causes delays to diagnosis and treatment

Cancer survival rates will fall if coronavirus crisis causes delays to diagnosis and treatment in coming months with tumours becoming ‘inoperable’, warns leading expert Professor Charles Swanton, Cancer Research UK chief clinician, issued warning Suggestion that surgeries, screenings and diagnoses are being delayed   In some cancers there is a 90% survival rate if the disease … Read more

Scientists who cloned Dolly the Sheep developing new coronavirus treatment using immune cells

Scientists who cloned Dolly the Sheep say new coronavirus treatment using immune cells from young healthy volunteers could beat disease TC Biopharm are based in Glasgow, and have used the therapy to treat cancer They are hopeful that the therapy will be available to the NHS by July Doctor says the challenge is in developing … Read more

Malaria drug hydroxychloroquine ‘is the most effective coronavirus treatment currently available’

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Sharon Osbourne reveals Ozzy’s treatment in Switzerland has been cancelled

Sharon Osbourne has revealed her eldest daughter Aimee, 36, had to have emergency surgery to remove her appendix on Sunday.  The television personality, 67, appeared on The Talk from her Los Angeles home on Monday, where she discussed the health scare and how her husband Ozzy’s treatment in Switzerland has been cancelled due to the … Read more

Two COVID-29 patients taken off ventilators days after experimental treatment

Two coronavirus patients in New York City were treated with a new drug ‘fast-tracked’ for HIV and breast cancer – and they went from being on ventilators in the ICU to regular hospital in a matter of days.   Based on the results of a small initial trial, biotech firm CytoDyn believes their drug, leronlimab, has … Read more

US biotech firm wants to test its pneumonia treatment in COVID-19 patients

A New Jersey biotech firm believes its drug could help save the lives of the sickest coronavirus patients.  BioAegis Therapeutics has been testing a protein called gelsolin to treat pneumonia.  Gelsolin exists naturally in the human body and helps to combat inflammation like that seen in critically ill and dying coronavirus patients.  In early stages, … Read more

SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE shares Sir Alex Ferguson’s hairdryer treatment over Cheshire neighbour’s build

Sir Alex Ferguson was famous for his ‘hairdryer ’ rants at Manchester United players to cajole them to do his bidding.  Now he is using all his persuasive charm on his Cheshire neighbours in his battle to stop a development being built next to his £2.3million home.  Planners at the local council had given the … Read more

Cancer treatment delayed as patient priority lists drawn up due to coronavirus

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Mother ‘desperately’ fundraising for new pioneering treatment to save sons life  

A mother who was told her son had a rare cancer while she held her newborn daughter in her arms has revealed how his little sister is inspiring her son through his battle. Claire Scott, 40, and husband Mike, 42, who live in Kent, found out their son had cancer – which they were originally … Read more