Boris Johnson baby: What he and Carrie Symonds can learn from David Cameron and Tony Blair

With the birth of his son in the early hours of this morning, Boris Johnson becomes only the fourth Prime Minister in 150 years to welcome a baby to Downing Street.  His fiancée Carrie Symonds, 32, is thought to be still in the NHS London hospital where she gave birth but will soon return to … Read more

Former Eton headmaster Eric Anderson dies aged 83

Former Eton headmaster Eric Anderson, who taught three future Prime Ministers including Boris Johnson, dies aged 83 The former Eton College Head Master Sir Eric Anderson has died at  age of 83 Pupils including Boris Johnson and David Cameron taught there during tenure   Also worked at the top schools in Scotland – Gordonstoun and Fettes College … Read more

Tony Blair warns decisions on coronavirus lockdown must be taken NOW

Tony Blair today insisted decisions on how to ease the coronavirus lockdown must be taken now – warning ministers cannot allow a ‘void’ while Boris Johnson recovers from the disease. The former PM said the government had been ‘behind the curve’, underlining his demand for mass testing and a fundamental reorganisation of Whitehall, with experts … Read more

Tony Blair wants business leaders working alongside ministers in coronavirus battle

Top business figures from across industry should be brought into the top of Government to work alongside ministers to focus the UK’s ‘collective firepower’ on beating coronavirus, Tony Blair said today. The former Labour prime minister said that the Government needed a complete overhaul of the way it works in order to be in a … Read more

Tony Blair calls for senior minister to be put in charge of mass coronavirus testing

Tony Blair calls for senior minister to be put in charge of mass coronavirus testing as pandemic approaches peak in the UK Former PM Tony Blair demands Government minister takes charge of virus tests Mr Blair’s intervention came amid concern over if UK will meet its testing goal The Government has set a target of … Read more

Michael Gove hints at looming austerity after massive coronavirus bailouts

Michael Gove hints at looming austerity after government’s massive coronavirus bailouts amid fears of 2.75million jobless by June and a 10 per cent hit to GDP Cabinet minister Michael Gove says UK coronavirus debt will have to be paid Government has announced unprecedented bailouts for workers and firms  Forecasters warn jobless total could hit 2.75m … Read more

UK might need to carry out 180MILLION coronavirus tests, warns Tony Blair

Britain might have to carry out 180million coronavirus tests to defeat the deadly disease, Tony Blair suggested today. The former PM said ‘mass testing’ is vital and it will need to carry on for a long time, as even if the lockdown can be eased there is a threat of ‘resurgence’. He said ‘virtually everyone’ … Read more

Michael Gove says coronavirus tests have FINALLY hit 10,000 a day

Britain is finally carrying out 10,000 tests per day to diagnose coronavirus, Michael Gove confirmed today. Amid mounting criticism, the Cabinet minister insisted the government was ‘very concerned’ about the growing death toll and was doing ‘all that we can’ to ‘accelerate’ the numbers of tests. But he declined to give a timescale for when … Read more

ANDREW PIERCE: Leftie Richard Burgon’s secret life as a Tony Blair fan 

Former trade union lawyer Richard Burgon is the Jeremy Corbyn Continuity candidate to be Labour’s deputy leader.  Yet the Shadow Justice Secretary has kept an embarrassing secret from his Corbynite supporters — he was a Tony Blair fan as a student. In an interview with student newspaper Varsity in 2002, when he was chairman of … Read more

Police probe Labour ex-minister’s expenses after he paid £30,000 salary to a long-term friend

Police probe Labour ex-minister’s expenses after he paid £30,000-per-year salary to a long-term friend who was working in his office aged 89 Scotland Yard has launched criminal investigatio into expenses of ex-Labour MP Police began probe into Geoffrey Robinson over £30k salary paid to his friend Mail on Sunday previously reported Robinson’s alleged spying for … Read more