Dentist Madeleine Duff shares her top tips and tricks to get white teeth from home

A dentist has revealed everything you need to know about teeth whitening – and her top tricks to help you get a perfect smile. Dr Madeleine Duff from Toorak Fine Dentistry in Melbourne said there are countless ways to get whiter teeth – whether you visit a dentist and have it done in the chair, get … Read more

World’s biggest shark found to have ‘armored eyes’ lined with nearly 3,000 TEETH

World’s biggest shark is found to have ‘armored eyes’ lined with nearly 3,000 TEETH that protect its vision because the species lacks eyelids Using ultrasounds, a team found whale sharks have teeth lining their eyes Nearly 3,000 teeth were found on each eye that protect its vision The whale shark can also retract 50 percent … Read more

Pokémon developers release an augmented reality app to help young children brush their teeth 

Pokémon developers release an augmented reality app to teach young children how to brush their teeth The Pokémon Company announced a new AR game to help kids brush their teeth Called Pokémon Smile, the app is out now on Android and iOS devices Kids record themselves brushing their teeth and unlock new Pokémon by targeting … Read more

‘Is there something in my teeth?’ January Jones shares funny selfie with a mouth full of smoothie

She’s been isolating with her son in her Los Angeles home amid the coronavirus lockdown. And January Jones showcased her funny side as she shared a snap with her mouth full of smoothie as she larked around with her son Xander, seven. Taking to Instagram on Monday, the Mad Men actress, 42, flashed a broad … Read more

Baby girl has second mouth with lips, teeth and tongue removed

Baby girl has SECOND mouth complete with lips, teeth and tongue removed after being diagnosed with a rare condition only seen in 35 humans since 1900 WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT Little girl had the 0.8-inch second mouth removed from her face after birth It had first been detected at week 28 of pregnancy but was thought … Read more

Jason Derulo shows off a perfect row of teeth… after pretending to chip his pearly whites

Jason Derulo pulled down the silk scarf he was wearing around his face to protect from COVID-19 on Tuesday to show off a perfect row of white teeth. The 30-year-old Wiggle singer was spotted in his car in Los Angeles after he dropped his girlfriend Jenna Frumes off. This comes after Florida native pretended to … Read more

Blundering dentists pulled out almost 150 HEALTHY teeth over a five-year period, new study finds 

Blundering dentists pulled out almost 150 HEALTHY teeth over a five-year period, new study finds Researchers warn the true number may be higher than official figures suggest  They also warn that attempts to tackle the problem appear to have failed Dentist error payouts can be as high as £40,000, depending on the blunder  By Pat … Read more

Have we been cleaning our teeth wrong? Man swears by using mouthwash BEFORE brushing and flossing

Have we been cleaning our teeth wrong? Woman claims her husband swears by using alcohol mouthwash BEFORE brushing and flossing – and dental experts agree he’s correct TikTok user Kassy shared video of method to platform which has since gone viral Recommends starting with alcohol mouth wash then floss, then brush your teeth Texas-based woman said … Read more

Shape of human teeth can help to reconstruct genetic relationships

Shape of human TEETH can reveal the owner’s genetic history and could be used to identify people in forensic investigations and trace the evolution of our species using fossils Researchers assessed different traits of teeth and their combinations  Found links between physical characteristics and genetic links in other studies   Claim teeth can be used to … Read more

Keira Knightley reveals a hidden talent as she plays The Beatles’ hit Yesterday with her TEETH

Keira Knightley reveals her ‘only party trick’ as she plays The Beatles’ hit Yesterday with her TEETH during World Health Day Hope From Home livestream By Jason Chester for MailOnline Published: 10:53 BST, 20 April 2020 | Updated: 10:53 BST, 20 April 2020 Keira Knightley has revealed a hitherto unknown talent while taking part in … Read more