Police get new stop and search powers to target repeat offenders

Police officers will receive new powers allowing them to stop and search criminals previously convicted of carrying a weapon, under Government plans to tackle knife crime.  The Home Office is proposing to use Serious Violence Reduction Orders (SVROs) to imprison repeat offenders who are caught carrying a knife or offensive weapon – including those who have … Read more

STOCK WATCH: Owzat! Rose Bowl’s Ageas becomes a takeover target

STOCK WATCH: Owzat! Rose Bowl’s Ageas becomes a takeover target By Ben Harrington For The Mail On Sunday Published: 22:15 BST, 5 September 2020 | Updated: 22:15 BST, 5 September 2020 Ageas isn’t a particularly familiar name to many British investors – except, perhaps, those who like cricket. The listed Belgian insurance giant sponsors the … Read more

Scientists discover which immune cells a flu shot MUST target to provide ‘long-lasting’ protection 

Hope for a universal flu vaccine? Scientists discover which immune cells a shot MUST target to provide ‘long-lasting’ protection Flu shots are only about 40 to 60 percent effective in any given year  Scientists think prior exposures to flu strains or vaccines trigger a partial response to vaccines, weakening a shot’s protection against new strains  … Read more

George Eustice: No target set for civil servants’ return to office

Another minister misses the WFH memo! Environment Secretary George Eustice reveals there is NO target for getting civil servants back to his Whitehall department despite ministers urging workers across the UK to ditch working from home George Eustice said there is no target for the return of civil servants to Whitehall The Environment Secretary said … Read more

Facebook criticizes Apple’s iOS 14 privacy update, saying changes limit its ability to target ads

Facebook criticizes Apple’s iOS 14 privacy update, saying the changes limit its ability to target iPhone owners with personalized ads Apple’s iOS 14 will block companies from tracking users on other apps Facebook hit back saying this will limit its ability to target iPhone users with ads  Facebook uses  a device’s unique identifier to follow their … Read more

Gambling giants flout advertising rules to target children

Gambling giants flout advertising rules to target children by using websites popular with youngsters The Advertising Standards Authority say gambling giants are breaking the rules  Watchdog found some 70 different betting ads appeared on children’s websites The ASA said it would not name and shame the firms or take action against them   By Sean Poulter … Read more

Scammers target diners at the Ritz by posing as staff to steal their payment card details

Scammers target diners at the Ritz by posing as staff to steal their payment card details before trying to spend thousands of pounds at Argos Fraudsters phoned people with details of bookings and asked for card details  The Ritz has confirmed it’s investigating a ‘potential data breach’ on Thursday Fraudsters used customer card details to … Read more

Coronavirus: Trolls target daughter talking about dad’s death

Trolls targeted a grieving daughter, 24, for speaking about her father, 55, who died from Covid-19 by telling her the disease is a ‘hoax’ and she should ‘hang herself for questioning our Government’. Hannah Brady told MPs during a hearing via video link that she received the online abuse after speaking out about her father, … Read more

Melbourne shuts Kmart, Myer, Target, Bunnings and meat shortages expected in lockdown

Melbourne will suffer a shock shutdown of most shops and services for six weeks, with thousands of jobs to be lost. Panic buyers lining up at supermarkets for meat and fish could actually be right as new restrictions mean production will be slashed by a third. Melbourne is gripped by Stage 4 lockdown with an … Read more

US ‘told UK which Chinese officials to target on human rights abuses’

Pompeo hands the UK intelligence showing which Chinese officials should be targeted with sanctions over human rights abuses, ‘Mike Pompeo tells MPs at private meeting’ as pressure grows on Boris Johnson to take action Mike Pompeo apparently told MPs the US had shared its intelligence with the UK Intelligence sets out which officials to target … Read more