Tories at war over Carrie Symond’s power at No.10: Think-tank demands inquiry

Bitter Tory in-fighting broke out last night after a Conservative-friendly think-tank demanded an inquiry into the power of Boris Johnson’s fiancee, Carrie Symonds. Ben Harris-Quinney, chairman of the Bow Group – which boasts Tory heavyweights Norman Tebbit and Norman Lamont among its patrons – called for an independent investigation into the influence that Ms Symonds … Read more

Carrie Symonds: A passionate riposte by KATIE HIND

We’ve all heard the dumb blonde jokes, and the sexism that goes with them. Sprinkle a spot of intellect, ambition and charm into the mix and it ramps up things for those of the male race who are feeling particularly embittered with their lot. Just ask Carrie Symonds – she knows quite a lot about … Read more

Conservative UK: Think tank calls for probe into Carrie Symonds’ role in ‘governing’

Oliver Lewis became a pivotal player in the Downing Street set up, serving as Lord Frost’s deputy on Brexit A Tory think tank has called for a probe into Carrie Symonds’ role in ‘governing’ the UK after Dominic Cummings’ ally Oliver Lewis quit his No.10 job. Mr Lewis, who was one of Boris Johnson’s key … Read more

Symonds allies at No 10: The ex-girlfriend of Michael Gove and ex-Cameron era Cabinet Office aide

Shockwaves were sent through No 10 after Boris Johnson appointed two new aides, one of whom is the ex-girlfriend of Michael Gove. Baroness Simone Finn was appointed as deputy chief of staff and Henry Newman was made a senior adviser of Downing Street.  The pair are not only allies of Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove … Read more

No 10 insiders reveal how Carrie Symonds’ dog caused a stink after cocking his leg over a handbag

By any standards, it was a curious incident. Centre-stage were the Prime Minister’s partner Carrie Symonds, her beloved dog Dilyn, a now departing Downing Street aide and a handbag. In the No 10 garden last year, Katie Lam, who worked for the Prime Minister’s former chief adviser Dominic Cummings, put down her bag and other … Read more

How Boris Johnson’s Brexit guru tried to quit… after Carrie Symonds pals’ takeover at No 10

Boris Johnson gave a Cabinet seat to his former Brexit negotiator after he threatened to quit over a Downing Street power struggle, it was claimed last night. Lord Frost was given Michael Gove’s job of overseeing the UK’s new relationship with Brussels and ‘driving through changes to maximise the opportunities of Brexit’. In a massive promotion, … Read more

So Carrie Symonds, does charity REALLY begin at home?, asks GUY ADAMS

When Carrie Symonds joined the staff of eco-charity The Aspinall Foundation, she was doubtless motivated by a heartfelt desire to save endangered rhinos and big cats. There might even be opportunities, when she wasn’t toiling on the Foundation’s behalf from a flat above 10 Downing St, to visit pioneering conservation projects overseas — helping gorillas … Read more

Carrie Symonds’ zoo charity Aspinall Foundation is probed by watchdog

1956 John Aspinall, who worked as a professional gambler, found inspiration in Nada the Lily by H. Rider Haggard – a book about an illegitimate Zulu prince who lived outside his tribe among wild animals. He decides to build a garden shed housing a Capuchin monkey, a 9-week-old tigress and two Himalayan bears – with seemingly … Read more

How is Carrie Symonds new boss living in a stately pile for the price of student digs?

Two years ago, Boris Johnson visited Howletts Wild Animal Park where he was introduced to cheetahs Saba and Nairo.  In a newspaper article praising the zoo and its proprietor, the gambling tycoon and conservationist Damian Aspinall, our future Prime Minister waxed lyrical about how the animals had decided to ‘nibble my beanie hat’. ‘Damian’s plan … Read more

Samantha Cameron blasts ‘sexist’ abuse levelled at Carrie Symonds over ‘Princess Nut Nut’ nickname

Samantha Cameron has basted ‘sexist’ abuse leveled at Carrie Symonds over her ‘Princess Nut Nut’ nickname. The 49-year-old wife of former-Prime Minister David Cameron said the criticism the PM’s fiancée received last year was ‘harsh’ and agreed it was ‘flagrantly sexist’. The businesswoman, who owns clothing brand Cefinn, also said it was ‘frustrating’ to deal with Brexit ‘teething … Read more