Deadly hospital superbug discovered on a remote island

A deadly hospital superbug that’s been sweeping the globe has been found ‘in the wild’ for the first time, scientists reveal.  Candida auris, a species of fungus, was found on a sandy beach and tidal swamp in a remote coastal wetland ecosystem, on the Andaman Islands in the Indian Ocean.  The ‘landmark discovery’ is the first evidence that … Read more

Fears whooping cough is evolving into a SUPERBUG as doctors say a new vaccine is desperately needed

Bacteria responsible for whooping cough are morphing into superbugs, scientists warn. Australian experts say bordetella pertussis is becoming increasingly better at hiding from the immune system.  The evolving bacteria are producing more nutrient-transporting proteins that help it multiply rapidly. It is also triggering less immune responses, causing fewer symptoms. This allows it to slip under … Read more

The scariest superbug on the CDC’s radar is sweeping the US with hundreds infected

The most worrying ‘superbug’ on the CDC’s radar has infected more than 600 Americans in recent years – and officials say the spread is picking up pace globally.   But hospitals are not obliged to inform patients if they have the infection, which is most commonly contracted in hospitals, according to an alarming new feature by … Read more