Millions of Britons are ‘fed up’ with unrealistic travel photos, Hamton by Hilton study reveals

Millions of Britons are ‘fed up’ with unrealistic travel photos – and snaps of ‘hot dog legs’ – with almost a third preferring to see ‘authentic’ pictures of a holiday A study of 2,000 adults found 26% find ‘hot dog leg’ images the most annoying People are seven times more likely to visit a place … Read more

Health claims on children’s food ‘are confusing’, study finds

Three quarters of ‘healthy’ children’s food claiming to have ‘one of five-a-day’ fruit and vegetables DOESN’T have the recommended portion size –and may be fuelling obesity Researchers from the University of Glasgow tested 332 supermarket products They found 41 per cent of them were less healthy than they claimed to be Claims of no added … Read more

Slim people see overweight people as ‘less evolved and less human,’ shocking study finds  

Slender people consider people with obesity ‘less evolved’ and ‘less human’ than others, a new survey suggests.  Public health officials believe that discrimination against people who are overweight is partly for blame for our dismal progress against the obesity epidemic.  Despite the fact that one in three Americans and one in four Brits are now … Read more

Fruit juice increases your risk of early death – even MORE than soda, study finds

Consuming fruit juices is just as bad for your health and likely to lead to an early death as drinking cola or lemonade, research suggests.  A new study found an increased risk of dying early from any cause for people who consumed a lot of sugary drinks.  US researchers compared, for the first time, 100 … Read more

Lockdowns are the best hope to slow the spread of coronavirus, suggests new Chinese study

Lockdowns and travel restrictions are the best methods to slow the spread of coronavirus, a new study of China suggests. Researchers from the University of Oxford in the UK and Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, found that in Wuhan – the epicenter of the outbreak – restriction on travels came too late. Once the locked … Read more

Acupuncture is up to four times better at easing migraines than drugs, new study suggests

Acupuncture is up to four times better at easing migraines than drugs, new study suggests Patients given acupuncture suffer two fewer migraines a month, study finds  Dr Heather Angus-Leppan says it is ‘an acceptable evidence – based treatment’ Study used acupuncture along with ‘sham’ test and usual migraine treatments  By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 22:40 … Read more

Birds thrive in towns by having big brains or lots of chicks, study finds

To thrive in urban environments birds need to either develop large brains like seagulls or have more offspring like pigeons, a study finds.  Researchers from the University of Gothenburg say big brains or lots of offspring are the two strategies that are key to survive in an unnatural environment.  The team say a number of … Read more

Speech recognition systems from five tech companies are bias towards people of color, study reveals 

AI speech recognition systems from five major tech companies are biased toward people of color, as they make twice as many errors transcribing speech from black people than they do from whites, study reveals Study found systems from Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and IBM are biased Fed technologies some 2,000 speech samples from blacks and … Read more

Being young WON’T spare you from coronavirus, CDC study warns

Younger American adults are also at risk of becoming seriously ill because of the novel coronavirus, a new report reveals.  Although those who are oldest, aged 80 and above, have the greatest risk of dying, a sizeable portion of those hospitalized were younger, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Among 508 … Read more

Autism symptoms reduced 50% in children who received fecal transplants, study finds

Fecal transplants drastically reduced autism symptoms in children, according to new research. Symptoms almost halved in 18 children given the treatment – known medically as microbiota transfer therapy. The study builds on the theory that the neurological condition may be rooted in the gut, rather than the brain. Two years after the transplant, children saw … Read more