How do YOU hold the steering wheel? Expert reveals what position of hands says about you

One-hand wonders who take life in their stride or sticklers for the rules who still use the grip they were first taught – how you hold the steering wheel can reveal a lot about you. That’s according to psychotherapist Lohani Noor, who teamed up with UK-based Select Car Leasing to compile a list of the most … Read more

Volvo patents a sliding steering wheel that moves across the dashboard

Swedish car maker Volvo has patented a system that could allow customers to choose if they want the steering wheel in the middle of the car, or moved to the left or ride side of the vehicle. Sketches show a design that allows the wheel to be moved to three locations across the dashboard and … Read more

BBC criticise Panorama after reporter takes hands off steering wheel for ‘Killer Motorways’ episode

Panorama is criticised by BBC bosses after reporter took BOTH hands off the steering wheel during episode about ‘Britain’s Killer Motorways’ BBC upheld complaint against Panorama after presenter took hands off wheel  Viewers said reporter Richard Bilton gave a ‘bad example of driving’ on show Programme, aired on 27 January, found to have breached the … Read more

Matt Hancock is steering a cruise ship with a paddle. No wonder it’s all been such a fiasco 

Which of us would like to be in Matt Hancock’s shoes? The beleaguered Health Secretary faces formidable problems, and the mounting chorus of blame is principally aimed at him. There is a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline NHS staff. If the Government should change its advice and sensibly recommend that we should … Read more

Hyundai’s EV concept has joysticks instead of a steering wheel

Hyundai has revealed a lavish new concept car called the ‘Prophecy’ which it says was inspired by the aesthetics of a ‘perfectly weathered stone’ and is controlled by joysticks opposed to a traditional steering wheel.  The Korean automobile manufacturer has revealed its luxury all-electric vehicle after its initial unveiling at the Geneva Motor Show was … Read more