Farming crops to feed cattle is depleting the Colorado River and has put 53 species of fish at risk

53 different species of fish are at elevated risk of extinction thanks to cattle farms around the Colorado River basin, which have depleted the region’s freshwater supplies to grow water-hungry feed crops like alfalfa A new study shows cattle farms are responsible for 55 percent of the water taken from the Colorado River every year … Read more

Wonky skull of Styracosaurus leads palaeontologists to question past identifications of species

Wonky skull of five-metre-long Styracosaurus named ‘Hannah’ with a fan of long horns leads scientists to question previous theory that all dinosaurs had symmetrical faces The intact Styracosaurus skull has wonky horns and was discovered in Canada  Asymmetrical face suggests more morphological variability than thought  Scientists fear incomplete skulls have been mistakenly classed as new species … Read more

Newly discovered differences in red panda genes reveal there may actually be TWO different species

Newly discovered differences in red panda genes reveal there may actually be TWO different species – and it could affect conservation efforts A new study sheds light on genetic differences between regional red pandas It suggests red pandas in Sichuan and the Hiamalyas may be different species  Findings may also have implications on conservation efforts … Read more