George Floyd: Soldiers guard White House on protests’ 6th night

Soldiers continued to stand their ground throughout the night and into Thursday morning outside the White House and the Lincoln Memorial in the sixth day of protests in Washington D.C. The night was marked with a heavy military presence but there were no altercations reported between protesters and law enforcement as the sun rose and … Read more

Body armour made from SHRIMP SHELLS could protect soldiers against bullets, lasers and poison gas

A coating to make body armour impervious to bullets, lasers, microbes and even poison gas is being developed in the US from the same material as shrimp shells.  Chitin is a robust natural material which forms the shells of crustaceans, protects butterfly wings and is found in mushroom cells.  The material is a naturally occurring, and … Read more

Russian soldiers ‘liquidate’ six ISIS militants in Dagestan after terrorists planned attacks

Russian soldiers ‘liquidate’ six ISIS militants in Dagestan after terrorists planned attacks on police and religious leaders Six militants were killed by Russian forces in the Dagestan Republic region  The Russian National Anti-Terrorism Committee revealed the incident on Friday The militants were understood to be connected to the Islamic State It is believed the militants … Read more

Could insect repellent neutralise coronavirus? MOD hands spray to soldiers on Covid front line

The Ministry of Defence is handing mosquito spray to soldiers on the Covid front line as an ‘additional layer of protection’ saying it can ‘do no harm’ amid claims it could neutralise coronavirus.   Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace said a Citriodiol-based spray has been given to personnel in light of the Surgeon General’s … Read more

US soldiers hold ‘modified’ military funerals at Arlington Cemetery

Soldiers at Arlington Cemetery wear face masks and mourners observe social distancing at ‘modified’ military funerals so heroes can still be honored during the coronavirus crisis Soldiers gave military honors while wearing face masks amid the pandemic  Military funeral for army veteran was held at Arlington National Cemetery  Modified funeral proceedings in compliance with Sectary … Read more

Two French soldiers are killed and five seriously hurt as their helicopter crashes in the Pyrenees

Two French soldiers are killed and five seriously hurt as their helicopter crashes in the Pyrenees The Cougar military helicopter crashed in the Pyrenees near the town of Lameac Two French soldiers have been killed while five remain seriously injured  A French army spokesman has said the victims were aged between 25 and 38  Adjudent-Chef … Read more

Soldiers complete transformation of London’s ExCel centre

Soldiers descended upon London’s ExCel centre today to help complete the field hospital’s transformation into the capital’s emergency coronavirus hospital.   Officers in uniform took to the international convention centre in Newham, East London, to assist in the final touches of the new NHS Nightingale hospital as the UK tries to control the spread of the … Read more

Coronavirus: Soldiers offload supplies at London’s St Thomas’ Hospital

Britain entered its first day of coronavirus lockdown today as people were ordered to stay at home and only leave the house for basic food shopping, exercise once a day and essential travel to and from work. Eerie photographs showed city centres in the likes of London, Bristol, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Birmingham were almost completely … Read more

Soldiers tasked with disinfecting care homes in Spain find ABANDONED corpses

Soldiers tasked with disinfecting care homes in Spain find ABANDONED corpses as coronavirus crisis cripples the country Corpses found in same homes as loved ones who are still alive, reports suggest  Spain’s Military Emergency Unit (UME) were cleaning the homes to slow spread  Deadly coronavirus infected more than 33,000 and killed 2,200 in Spain alone  … Read more

Two US soldiers are killed accompanying security forces during a raid of an ISIS stronghold in Iraq

Two U.S. soldiers were killed as they accompanied and advised Iraqi security forces during a fierce raid of an ISIS stronghold, drawing criticism from former U.S. special envoy Brett McGurk over the length of time that it took to reclaim the dead. The deaths of both soldiers prompted the military’s top brass to order a review of … Read more