Trump defends ‘successful’ vaccine distribution and blames the states for ‘very slow’ rollout

President Donald Trump has blamed the slow rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines on the states as he praised his administration’s ‘successful’ distribution of the doses amid growing backlash over the disastrous program. Trump appeared to respond to mounting criticism of the vaccine rollout on Friday after new data revealed only a quarter of the shots … Read more

EU bureaucracy accused of ‘costing lives’ over slow Oxford vaccine approval

EU bureaucracy is accused of ‘costing lives’ after European regulators said they cannot approve the Oxford vaccine before February EU bureaucracy accused of ‘costing lives’ over slow Oxford vaccine approval European Medical Agency’s Noel Wathion said vaccine quality must be proven EU has bought 400million doses while waiting for it to receive approval EMA must … Read more

After a slow start to 2021 the global economy should be off to the races

The prospects for the global economy in 2021 hinge on the same thing that has dominated 2020; the pandemic. The fundamental difference, of course, is that this year the pandemic was a surprise, whereas next year it will be a known quantity that we have the tools to defeat. A successful vaccination programme across some … Read more

Plastic pollution has killed hundreds of Dubai CAMELS which suffer a slow death, experts reveal

Plastic pollution is killing Dubai’s wild camels by the hundreds because the animals mistake the toxic waste for food, experts have claimed. Marcus Eriksen, who studies plastic waste in the Gulf, said camels have been ingesting up to 10-stone of waste which then balls up in their stomachs – subjecting them to ‘agonising’ deaths that … Read more

Making Britons wear masks while out Christmas shopping on crowded streets could slow spread of Covid

Wearing a face mask while shopping for Christmas presents may slow the spread of coronavirus, scientists say.  Current rules only require the coverings to be worn inside shops, with many quickly ripping them off as soon as they step back outside.  But leading experts have now urged Brits to keep their masks on in crowded … Read more

Homes with slow internet sell for almost £40,000 less than the asking price

Poor internet connectivity could knock up to £40,000 off the asking price of the average home, according to research released today.   Buyers revealed they would only be willing to buy a property with slow broadband if it came with a huge 16 per cent discount. For the average British home, it could knock a staggering … Read more

Sir Patrick Vallance admits there is ‘NO hard evidence’ that pub curfews slow coronavirus

There was ‘no hard evidence’ that England’s controversial 10pm curfew prevented coronavirus from spreading, Sir Patrick Vallance has admitted. The chief scientific adviser said it was a ‘policy decision’ designed to limit the amount of time people spent indoors together – where Covid spreads most easily.  But he conceded the intervention was not backed up with … Read more

Shoppers are turning their backs on cars and cash and focusing on slow cooking and foraging for food

British families have discovered a love of foraging and home-cooking this year after the Covid-19 crisis ‘fundamentally reshaped’ their habits, according to a new study. Spending more time at home, a quarter bought food online for the first time during the pandemic and families also discovered a new love for home cooking, foraging in bushes … Read more

FDA defends slow response to Pfizer vaccine approval saying scientists need more time to review data

FDA Commissioner Steve Hahn has defended taking so long to approve Pfizer’s COVID vaccine when it has been given the greenlight in the UK, saying on Wednesday that his scientists need longer to review the data because they analyze it more ‘robustly’ than anyone else.   On Wednesday, British health authorities said they had approved the … Read more

Coronavirus Europe: Draconian lockdowns slow down second waves

The European countries worst-hit by Covid-19 may already be over the peaks of their second waves thanks to draconian nation lockdowns being reinstated across the continent, data suggests.   After enjoying a lull in transmission throughout the summer and early autumn – thanks to the first round of nationwide shutdowns – most European countries were hit … Read more