SAGE told Boris Johnson ‘pre-Covid normality’ impossible

SAGE scientists told the Government a month ago it would not be possible to return to a ‘pre-Covid normality’ without a vaccine or a far better contact tracing system, it emerged today. In a report submitted to ministers on June 22, scientists advising Number 10 said social distancing will need to be in place until … Read more

Boris Johnson unveils his plan to get Britain back to work

Boris Johnson today set out the next phase of his plan to get life in the UK back to normal amid claims he may have watered down his strategy to rip up work from home rules after the bombshell intervention of his top science expert.  The Prime Minister used a Downing Street press conference to unveil a … Read more

Boris Johnson to set out next stage of coronavirus plan this morning

Boris Johnson will this morning set out the next phase of his plan to get life in the UK back to normal amid claims he may have watered down his strategy to rip up work from home rules after the bombshell intervention of his top science expert.  The Prime Minister will address a Downing Street … Read more

Coronavirus outcome in the UK has not been good, Sir Patrick Vallance admits

Coronavirus outcome in the UK ‘has not been good’, Sir Patrick Vallance admits and advice on face masks hasn’t changed since April — despite government only NOW making them mandatory in shops England’s chief scientific adviser said it’s ‘absolutely clear’ UK fared badly By Sam Blanchard Senior Health Reporter For Mailonline Published: 15:41 BST, 16 … Read more

UK could face 120,000 hospital deaths this winter from second Covid-19 wave

More than 120,000 Britons could die from Covid-19 in hospital this winter, ministers have been warned. Leading academics were asked to predict a ‘reasonable worst-case scenario’ of how a second wave of coronavirus could hit Britain by Number 10’s chief scientist Sir Patrick Vallance. The group — from the Academy of Medical Sciences — found … Read more

Second wave of Covid-19 this winter could lead to more than 120,000 extra deaths, scientists warn

A second wave of coronavirus this winter could result in 120,000 hospital deaths, scientists warn. Action must be taken now to mitigate the ‘reasonable worst case scenario’ which would see the NHS overwhelmed, the Academy of Medical Sciences says. The grim forecast – which does not include care home deaths – was commissioned by the … Read more

Coronavirus: Risk of infection from eating meat is ‘very low’

The risk of catching the coronavirus from eating meat is ‘very low’, Sir Patrick Vallance assured Britons today after a third food factory in Wales was hit by a Covid-19 outbreak.  Number 10’s chief scientific adviser said food safety officials who looked ‘carefully’ at whether meat is a vector ruled the risk was slim. Dismissing … Read more

Ministers fear top scientists Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance could quit over two-metre rule

Senior ministers fear the top scientists advising the Government could quit over plans to ease the two-metre rule. Professor Chris Whitty, the popular Chief Medical Officer, and Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance have made it clear they believe the current guidance on safe distancing should stay. But Boris Johnson will tomorrow pave the way for … Read more

Government coronavirus reports reveal the UK’s outbreak will likely rumble on into 2021

Scientific reports presented to the Government have revealed that the UK’s Covid-19 will likely trundle on well into 2021 and social distancing must continue. They also showed that scientists told officials banning people from going to large sporting events has an ‘imperceptible’ effect on the number of cases. And the next step for social ‘bubbling’, … Read more

UK trial will tell us if fighting off coronavirus gives you immunity

Does having coronavirus make you immune to future infection? Experts say finding the answer to this question is one of the keys to ending the lockdown. And now scientists believe they will have that answer in as little as three months, thanks to a major UK trial. Some 20,000 antibody testing kits are being sent … Read more