Health Secretary refuses to be drawn on level of spare capacity NHS needs before restrictions eased

Health secretary Matt Hancock has avoided saying how low coronavirus cases will have to drop before the lockdown can be eased. At the daily coronavirus briefing on Thursday, Mr Hancock announced a huge programme of testing in an effort to get a picture of the spread of the disease. Testing and tracing lines of transmission … Read more

Health Secretary Matt Hancock admits he ‘can’t promise’ all Britons will be given free face masks

In the House of Commons today, Mr Hancock admitted he ‘can’t promise’ all Britons would receive a free face mask if they became mandatory Health Secretary Matt Hancock today admitted he ‘can’t promise’ all Britons will receive a free face mask if they become mandatory. In the House of Commons, Mr Hancock warned it was vital … Read more

Civil servant Sir Philip Rutnam launches unfair dismissal claim against Home Secretary Priti Patel

Civil servant Sir Philip Rutnam launches unfair dismissal claim against Home Secretary Priti Patel weeks after quitting and accusing her of bullying Sir Philip Rutnam is taking the Home Secretary to an employment tribunal He accuses her of unfair dismissal and claiming he was a whistleblower Raises prospect of Ms Patel having to give evidence … Read more

Daily coronavirus tests are 80,000 short of the target promised by Health Secretary Matt Hancock 

Britain’s coronavirus testing programme appears to be in crisis – as health bosses have just ten days to increase the number of daily swabs fivefold. Ministers yesterday insisted they will hit their target of testing 100,000 people a day by the end of April. But just 21,626 tests were performed on Saturday – the highest … Read more

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson dodges calls to spell out coronavirus ‘exit strategy’

Gavin Williamson tonight dismissed calls to spell out an ‘exit strategy’ from coronavirus lockdown – despite claims ministers want schools to reopen after May 11.  The Education Secretary defied a growing clamour for clarity, insisting he could not ‘give a date’ for pupils to get back to the classroom.  The comments came amid the first … Read more

Bereaved families MUST be allowed to attend funerals, Communities Secretary says

Bereaved families must be allowed to attend the funerals of loved ones, the Communities Secretary said last night. In new government guidance, councils have been instructed to find innovative ways to enable ‘many’ close relatives to attend funerals in person. Robert Jenrick has also instructed local councils to open cemeteries so mourners can visit graves, … Read more

Health Secretary Matt Hancock vows ‘we won’t rest’ until NHS medics have masks and gowns they need

Matt Hancock vowed  ‘we will not’ rest to get vital protective equipment to NHS staff today as the main nursing union told its members they could refuse to treat coronavirus patients if they felt unsafe. The Health Secretary came under mounting pressure at the daily news conference this afternoon as he revealed that under-pressure units … Read more

Home Secretary Priti Patel reveals more paedophiles are stalking children online

Criminals are exploiting the coronavirus lockdown with fraudsters using the crisis to con Britons out of £1.8 million, Priti Patel has warned.   The Home Secretary’s first Downing Street address came as today’s death toll hit 917 bringing the UK’s spiralling victim count to 9,875. The youngest victim was just 11 years old. Ms Patel, who … Read more

Ex-Home secretary David Blunkett blasts ‘Sermon on the Mount’ daily briefings

Ex-Home secretary David Blunkett blasts ‘Sermon on the Mount’ daily coronavirus briefings by ministers The Labour life peer made the comments in interview on the Today programme  He said that people are now being ‘hectored’ during the coronavirus pandemic In the interview he also discussed the police reaction to the lockdown in place  Learn more … Read more

Nursing chief blasts Health Secretary Matt Hancock over PPE

Matt Hancock has come under fire after he said medics had been overusing personal protective equipment while battling coronavirus. The Health Secretary insisted that there is enough gear to meet demand but should be treated by hospitals as a ‘precious resource’.  His remarks were blasted today by a top nurse, who hit back that no … Read more