Science Editor-in-Chief warns against ‘dangerous rush’ to find a Covid-19 vaccine

The chasm between science and politics continues to grow, with Russian President Putin announcing this week that a fast-tracked vaccine for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is ready for use, and President Trump indicating days earlier that a vaccine could be ready in the United States before the 3 November presidential election.  There’s been a dangerous … Read more

Bill Nye takes to TikTok to explain the science behind face masks

Everyone’s favorite Science Guy is ready to explain why it’s so important to wear a mask. Bill Nye took to TikTok toc share two informative videos about the science behind different types of masks – proving some face coverings are far more effective than others. The 64-year-old TV personality made one thing clear though, telling viewers: … Read more

US Space Force names new unit ‘SpOC’ in apparent nod to Star Trek’s pointy-eared science officer

The United States’ new Space Force has named one of its new primary field commands ‘SpOC’ in apparent nod to Star Trek’s pointy-eared science officer. Short for ‘Space Operations Command’, SpOC will join ‘Space Systems Command’ and ‘Space Training and Readiness Command’ the force revealed in a statement. Although the new armed forces branch made … Read more

Science chief Patrick Vallance offers hope for two-metre rule easing

Matt Hancock today said ministers are trying to thrash out a replacement for the two-metre rule – after the government’s chief suggested lower distances can be ‘managed’. The Health Secretary refused to say when the review of the draconian restrictions will be complete, despite a mounting revolt from Tory MPs and business over the damage … Read more

Two-metre rule has NO basis in science, leading scientists say amid calls to drop the measure

Britain’s two-metre social distancing rule is based on no evidence, leading scientists have claimed amid mounting calls to drop the measure. Two University of Oxford experts argue there is little proof to support the restriction, after reviewing a World Health Organisation paper on the contentious topic. Of 38 studies, only one looked specifically at coronavirus … Read more

Government science adviser savages Boris Johnson over defence of Dominic Cummings

A ‘debacle’ over Dominic Cummings’ trip to Durham during lockdown has ‘fatally undermined’ Boris Johnson’s fight against coronavirus, one of the Government’s scientific experts has claimed.  Professor Stephen Reicher, who is a member of the Government’s advisory group on behavioural science which feeds into SAGE, said the actions of the Prime Minister’s top aide would … Read more

No10 disowns Therese Coffey in row over ‘wrong’ science advice

No10 has disowned Cabinet minister Therese Coffey after she blamed government blunders on coronavirus testing and care homes on ‘wrong’ science advice. Downing Street heaped praise on its experts and insisted ‘ministers decide’ after the comments by the Work and Pensions Secretary caused a storm.  As a furious blame game erupted yesterday, Ms Coffey appeared to … Read more

Coronavirus: Brian Cox says ‘following science’ used to deflect

Ministers are using mantra of ‘following the science’ as a defence to answer difficult questions about the coronavirus, Professor Brian Cox today claimed.  Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other Number 10 officials have often remarked in response to the pandemic that they have been guided by the science.  ‘The science’ Professor Cox referred to is … Read more

From cancer to stroke, the past ten years have seen astounding advances in medical science

Breakthrough cancer therapies, life-saving stroke procedures and ‘rebooted’ donor hearts — these are just a few of the medical advances over the past decade that are transforming our health. The past ten years have been a particularly special time for healthcare thanks to advances in technology, says Professor Andrew Goddard, president of the Royal College … Read more