Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveils huge package to combat coronavirus fallout

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Rishi Sunak unveils massive package to stop UK going bust amid coronavirus

Bailout to stop Britain going bust: Chancellor Rishi Sunak is warned he must pump HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of pounds into aid for stricken businesses to avoid MILLIONS losing their jobs amid coronavirus crisis Chancellor Rishi Sunak set to unveil package to ease impact of coronavirus The Prime Minister has told Britons to avoid pubs and … Read more

IFS: Rishi Sunak’s Budget ‘nothing like as generous as it appears’

Rishi Sunak’s Budget plans are ‘nothing like as generous as they appear’ and spending on most public services will be lower in 2025 than in 2010, according to a respected think tank. Paul Johnson, the director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, said Mr Sunak’s investment proposals are ‘genuinely very big’ – but the cash … Read more

VICTORIA BISCHOFF: Rishi Sunak’s budget is kicking savers while they’re down 

VICTORIA BISCHOFF: Rishi Sunak’s budget is kicking savers while they’re down By Victoria Bischoff for the Daily Mail Published: 23:16 GMT, 11 March 2020 | Updated: 23:21 GMT, 11 March 2020 Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse for savers, they were dealt two crushing blows in a matter of hours. The bad news … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Rishi Sunak’s Budget wasn’t just a vast splurge

Rishi Sunak’s first Budget confirmed what we had suspected. Boris Johnson’s Tories are not the party of Margaret Thatcher, or even David Cameron. That is why it is no exaggeration to describe yesterday as historic. The spectacle of this passionate, articulate, confident young Chancellor of Indian descent showed on one level how much the old … Read more

PROFESSOR MATTHEW GOODWIN: Rishi Sunak’s bulldozer budget for Boris Johnson’s ‘red wall’

PROFESSOR MATTHEW GOODWIN: Rishi Sunak’s bulldozer budget for Boris Johnson’s ‘red wall’ By Matthew Goodwin For The Daily Mail Published: 22:29 GMT, 11 March 2020 | Updated: 23:04 GMT, 11 March 2020 This is essentially a budget for blue-collar Britain – for the left-behind communities and left-out workers who, at the recent election, gave Conservatives … Read more

SIMON WALTERS asks could Rishi Sunak be Boris Johnson’s successor? 

When Rishi Sunak rose to his feet in the Commons yesterday to deliver his first Budget speech, Boris Johnson had every reason to feel nervous. Less than a month had passed since Sajid Javid quit as Chancellor in a spat with the Prime Minister over special advisers. Few voters had ever heard of Sunak when … Read more

Rishi Sunak is hailed ‘PM in waiting’ for storming Budget debut

His critics wrote him off as a youthful baby chino (chancellor in name only) when he took over the Treasury in January. But Rishi Sunak, 39, won praise from the man he replaced today for delivering the Budget after just weeks in the top job.  In 65 minutes this afternoon he set the economy on … Read more

‘He has risen to the challenge’: Ex-chancellor Sajid Javid leads Budget praise for Rishi Sunak

His critics wrote him off as a youthful baby chino (chancellor in name only) when he took over the Treasury in January. But Rishi Sunak, 39, won praise from the man he replaced today for delivering the Budget after just weeks in the top job.  In 65 minutes this afternoon he set the economy on … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Chancellor Rishi Sunak commits £30bn in budget

Rishi Sunak today unveiled a massive £30billion plan to stop coronavirus plunging Britain into Italy-style chaos – as he effectively reversed a decade of austerity. Delivering his crucial first Budget, the Chancellor admitted that people were ‘worried’ and the killer disease will inevitably have a major impact on the economy. But he insisted the government … Read more