Jennifer Arcuri turns on ‘dictator’ Boris Johnson calling ‘cowardly’ PM a ‘puppet on a string’

Boris Johnson’s former close friend Jennifer Arcuri spectacularly turned on the PM today branding him ‘nothing short of a dictator’ and ‘the worst kind of leader’. The technology entrepreneur, 35, likened him to a ‘puppet on a string’ but stopped short of total condemnation, admitting ‘I don’t believe he is evil’. But she added ‘Nobody trusts … Read more

Rising property prices will fade next year with average home losing £7,350, Google search data shows

Housing prices are expected to fall next year after the post-lockdown market boom fizzles out, experts have warned.  The initial housing boom was partly fuelled by pent-up buyer demand as the nation emerged from lockdown, various housing market reports have suggested.  Stamp duty tax cuts announced by Chancellor Rishi Sunak also led to increased demand.  … Read more

Boris Johnson abandoned plans for a second national lockdown over fears Rishi Sunak could QUIT

Boris Johnson abandoned plans for a second national lockdown over fears Rishi Sunak could QUIT, senior MPs claims as rift claims deepen Rishi Sunak warned second national lockdown would make job near impossible He argued to keep Britain open to protect millions of jobs and businesses  On Thursday, Mr Sunak said the nation needed to … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Rishi Sunak’s deputy denies rift with Boris Johnson

Rishi Sunak’s deputy denies Covid rift between his boss and Boris Johnson after Chancellor said ‘our lives can no longer be put on hold’ Treasury Chief Sec. Stephen Barclay insisted both men were working ‘in tandem’  Mr Sunak yesterday said the nation needed to learn to ‘live without fear’  Mr Johnson’s noticeable absence from Commons … Read more

Winter Economy Plan: Bosses’ concern UK will get ‘hooked’ on payouts

Rishi Sunak’s £9bn Job Retention Scheme won’t save jobs because there’s ‘little incentive’ to pay the wages of staff not in work, an influential think-tank has warned.  Business bosses have today stuck the boot into the Chancellor’s much-trumpeted plan to keep people in work, while the chief executive of Next suggested Britain’s economy risks ‘becoming … Read more

Rishi Sunak unveils a replacement for furlough scheme

The chief executive of Next has warned Britain’s economy risks ‘becoming hooked,’ on Government handouts – as bosses give their verdicts on Rishi Sunak’s £9bn scheme that ‘won’t stop job cuts’. Lord Simon Wolfson welcomed Rishi Sunak’s new Job Retention Scheme, saying it was time firms paid more towards wages. The Chancellor said the Jobs … Read more

HENRY DEEDES watches Rishi Sunak riding to the rescue again

Fire up the Batmobile, Alfred. Boy Wonder’s back. Once again, Rishi Sunak strode back into the Commons to wave around that increasingly battered chequebook of his. Rishi Rides to the Rescue has been a common narrative of this crisis. While most ministers’ stock has crashed these past six months, the Chancellor’s is on a bull run. … Read more

Rishi Sunak’s new coronavirus bailout: Chancellor upstages a cautious Prime Minister

Britain can no longer put normal life on hold, Rishi Sunak warned yesterday. As he unveiled his latest rescue package to save jobs, the Chancellor called on the nation to learn to live with coronavirus ‘without fear’. He added that the country could not carry on ignoring the economic impact of the pandemic. Striking a different … Read more

Rishi Sunak’s ‘pay as you grow’ plan to help businesses survive yet MORE months of misery

Rishi Sunak’s ‘pay as you grow’ plan to help businesses survive yet MORE months of misery by extending loan payments to a DECADE and extending VAT cut for hospitality and tourism Bounce back Loans can be paid back more slowly, helping with cash flow Terms of 10 years up from previous six-year term, plus payment … Read more

Why DID Boris Johnson miss Rishi Sunak’s Winter Economy Plan?

‘We must live without fear’: Is this a Rishi Sunak dig at Boris Johnson over lockdown? Westminster insiders question why PM wasn’t there for economic update and chose to pose in a police car instead Chancellor unveiled the successor to the furlough scheme in Commons at noon But at the time PM was 70 miles … Read more