Do you trust all those glowing online reviews? Half are fake

Rave five-star reviews that influence the online shopping habits of millions of consumers are scams in half of all cases, warn industry experts. The rip-off ruse involves fraudsters posting fake ‘top buy’ reviews on the internet to trick people into buying often sub-standard goods and services – sometimes even potentially dangerous counterfeits.  While major online … Read more

By George he’s got it! PATRICK MARMION reviews The Madness Of George III

The Madness Of George III (NT At Home, Youtube) Verdict: Gatiss is king of all he surveys  Rating: The highlight of my lockdown so far has been discovering Mark Gatiss to be one of our finest leading actors. Last week I felt he almost stole the show from Tom Hiddleston in Coriolanus. And this week … Read more

Political drama as sharp as a whip: Patrick Marmion reviews This House 

This House (NT at Home, YouTube)  Rating: Verdict: Still rocks the house  Unprecedented (BBC iPlayer) Rating:  Verdict: Unexciting This House is the Westminster political drama that keeps on giving.  It’s the third time I’ve seen James Graham’s brilliant play and, if anything, it’s grown in stature thanks to the hung parliament shenanigans of last year. … Read more

The troubled lad who dances to heal himself: Christopher Stevens reviews last night’s TV

Soul Boy – Our Lives Rating: Men At The Barre – Inside The Royal Ballet Rating: When it comes to dance, every bloke is either a Baryshnikov or an Ed Balls, an athletic paragon or a Strictly heffalump. At any wedding disco, I resemble a broken Meccano kit with joints spinning in odd directions. That … Read more

TripAdvisor SUSPENDS reviews for Barnard Castle after page floods with spoof Dominic Cummings posts

TripAdvisor has suspended all reviews for Barnard Castle after its page was flooded with spoof recommendations mocking Dominic Cummings claim he drove to the town to test his eyesight. Boris Johnson’s chief adviser told journalists on Monday how he made a 60-mile round trip from his parents farm in Durham to the market town, to … Read more

Christopher Stevens reviews A House Through Time and last night’s TV

CHRISTOPHER STEVENS reviews last night’s TV: Slavery, a killer pirate… and a treasure chest of twisted history By Christopher Stevens for Daily Mail Published: 01:44 BST, 27 May 2020 | Updated: 01:44 BST, 27 May 2020 A House Through Time Rating: The Yorkshire Vet: The Peter Wright Story Rating: What a surprise. Of all the … Read more

Donald Trump complains he gets ‘no credit’ for handling coronavirus but also touts ‘great reviews’

President Donald Trump on Monday touted ‘great reviews’ for his administration’s handling of the coronavirus – even as he complained he gets ‘no credit’ for making governors look good with a crash program to get medical gear.  Trump sent out the tweet as the nation ticked closer to the disturbing milestone of 100,000 deaths due … Read more

Stealing meat from hungry lions? That’s real bravado! Christopher Stevens reviews the weekend’s TV

CHRISTOPHER STEVENS reviews the weekend’s TV: Stealing raw meat from hungry lions? Now that’s real bravado! By Christopher Stevens for Daily Mail Published: 01:25 BST, 25 May 2020 | Updated: 01:30 BST, 25 May 2020 Walking With Elephants  Rating: Britain’s Greatest Comedy Character Rating: Any walk with adventurer Levison Wood is exhausting, and not only … Read more