Covid lockdown England: SAGE warned of 91,000 deaths if restrictions were scrapped at Easter

Plans to lift England’s third national lockdown earlier were effectively railroaded by SAGE advisers after a gloomy Imperial College report warned that easing restrictions would cause a massive fourth wave of cases higher than the January peak and almost double the UK’s death toll.  Under an initial scenario, Prime Minister Boris Johnson had planned to … Read more

Bad news for spring weddings! Couples will only be allowed six guests when restrictions ease

MORE bad news for weddings! Couples and suppliers dealt yet another blow as six-person maximum is put in place from March 8 (but there’s hope on the horizon for summer) Boris Johnson revealed how restrictions will change for the hospitality industry Thousands of couples were forced to postpone big days due to Covid in 2020 … Read more

Around 200,000 people are waiting for a new passport as Covid restrictions cause delays

Passport chaos in Backlog Britain: Around 200,000 people are waiting for a new travel document as Covid restrictions cause delays… and driving licences are held up too Families have been waiting months for important documents and appointments  Many new parents have yet to record their babies’ births at register offices And at least 300,000 learner … Read more

Britain’s economy will lose £18 BILION if international travel restrictions remain in place

Britain’s economy will lose £18 BILION if international travel restrictions remain in place until the summer, MPs warn Aviation group found lack of tourists would cause loss of £7.5bn to hospitality  Outbound travel is expected to be hit with losses of £10.5bn with restrictions  Bosses have said that government needs to offer significant support package  … Read more

Britain’s economy will lose £18 BILION if international travel restrictions remain in place

Britain’s economy will lose £18 BILION if international travel restrictions remain in place until the summer, MPs warn Aviation group found lack of tourists would cause loss of £7.5bn to hospitality  Outbound travel is expected to be hit with losses of £10.5bn with restrictions  Bosses have said that government needs to offer significant support package  … Read more

Young’s boss hopes pubs re-open in spring but warns punters will still face restrictions

The boss of Young’s has warned drinkers they will almost certainly face the same restrictions as last summer when Boris Johnson finally lets pubs re-open.  Patrick Dardis, chief executive officer for the pub chain, said that implementing anything less than the restrictions seen last summer would be ‘unviable’ if pub doors are kept shut until … Read more

Covid-19: Public will not accept continued restrictions after they are vaccinated, scientist warns

People want ‘normal way of life’ back after getting Covid jabs: Government adviser says it’s ‘not plausible’ to expect Britons to comply with major curbs once they’ve had both doses Sir John Bell said it is ‘not plausible’ to expect people to comply with curbs Oxford University’s regius professor of medicine warned MPs this morning He says … Read more

Burglary victim banned from seeing what is stolen from his second home due to Covid restrictions

Burglary victim is banned from heading 165 miles from Sussex to see what has been stolen from his second home in Norfolk because it is not one of the government’s ‘reasonable excuses’ for travel Peter Baker fears thousands of pounds of equipment was taken from his garage But officers said the electrician, 87, wasn’t allowed … Read more

Staff are to be told not to return to their offices even as Covid-19 restrictions are lifted

Office staff are set to be told to keep working from home even as other lockdown restrictions are eased, the Daily Mail can reveal. Boris Johnson is not expected to give a firm date for when workers will return to their desks as he unveils his plans for a return to normality on Monday. It … Read more

Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews clash with police in Jerusalem in protest over lockdown restrictions

Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox Jews protesting coronavirus lockdown restrictions clashed with police officers in Jerusalem on Tuesday night. Rioters from the insulated community were pictured burning rubbish bins and reportedly threw stones at officers who responded by using water cannons and other heavy-handed tactics to disperse the crowd. In recent weeks, ultra-Orthodox Jews have defied coronavirus … Read more