Downing Street denies Chris Whitty felt ‘very unhappy’ about plans for a ‘big bang’ reopening

Downing Street denies Chris Whitty felt ‘very unhappy’ about plans for a ‘big bang’ reopening of schools on March 8 Downing Street knocked down claims Chris Whitty worried about a full return Boris Johnson made it clear he wants ten million schoolchildren back March 8 Education sources told The Guardian Mr Whitty was ‘very unhappy’ … Read more

Rapid Covid-19 tests could be the key to reopening theatres

Rapid Covid-19 tests could be the key to reopening theatres, pubs and clubs as Boris Johnson eyes plan to get Britain moving again Boris Johnson described nightclubs and theatres as ‘toughest nut to crack’ He highlighted those places had not been able to reopen last year Mr Johnson offered hope mass vaccination could help them … Read more

Mark Drakeford says Welsh tourism may ‘start reopening by EASTER’

The tourism sector in Wales could start to reopen by Easter if cases keep falling, Mark Drakeford said today.  The First Minister struck the optimistic tone as he revealed that the nation has completed its vaccine rollout to the four most vulnerable groups. The comments will increase pressure for Boris Johnson’s ‘roadmap’ on February 22 … Read more

Tourism sector in Wales ‘could start reopening by EASTER’

The tourism sector in Wales could start to reopen by Easter if cases keep falling, Mark Drakeford said today.  The First Minister struck the optimistic tone as he revealed that the nation has completed its vaccine rollout to the four most vulnerable groups. The comments will increase pressure for Boris Johnson’s ‘roadmap’ on February 22 … Read more

Experts claim Boris Johnson being ‘overcautious’ on reopening schools

Boris Johnson is being ‘overcautious’ by sticking to his plan to reopen schools in England on March 8 at the earliest, Government scientific advisers have claimed. Some of the experts advising ministers believe ‘there really isn’t a case for keeping all kids off until March 8’ due to the success of the vaccination drive and … Read more

Now Wales says it will join Scotland in reopening schools after the half-term break on February 22

Boris Johnson was coming under increasing pressure to speed up the reopening of English schools today as Wales confirmed its intention to restart some primary classes after the February half term. Welsh health minister Vaughan Gething confirmed that some of the youngest age groups would go back to school from February 22 under a similar … Read more

Boris Johnson faces Tory revolt on reopening schools

Boris Johnson faces Tory revolt on schools after Nicola Sturgeon declares they will reopen in Scotland WEEKS before the ‘earliest possible’ date in England – as ministers blame higher Covid case rate Nicola Sturgeon announced yesterday Scottish schools to reopen from Feb 22 Move put pressure on Boris Johnson to bring forward reopening date in … Read more

Train lines reopening unlocks new frontiers for the housing market

For the people of the Blyth Valley, it’s payback time. Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has announced a £34million fund to start to reinstate the passenger rail line between Newcastle and Ashington. This is seen by many as a reward for being the first constituency to breach the ‘red wall’ of seats extending across the Midlands … Read more

Tony Awards will finally air ‘sometime around Broadway’s eventual reopening’ 

Tony Awards finally firm up plans for their postponed 2020 show and will air ‘sometime around Broadway’s eventual reopening’ By Caitlyn Becker For Published: 21:38 GMT, 29 January 2021 | Updated: 21:38 GMT, 29 January 2021 The 2020 Tony Awards will finally happen after being postponed indefinitely.  While an exact date is yet to … Read more

Ministers consider gradual school reopening after half-term led by A-Level, GCSE and primary pupils

Children in years that should have sat exams this year could lead the way back to class in a phased reopening of schools after half-term. Under plans being considered, pupils who will be teacher-assessed for A-Levels and GCSEs this year after exams were cancelled could head back first along with years one and six in … Read more