Is your anti-ageing regime making you look OLDER?

Gone are the days when hiding wrinkles amounted to papering the cracks with thick foundations and a topping of powder. Talk to a skincare professional these days about fighting the signs of ageing and the term ‘controlled damage’ will almost inevitably come up. The idea behind this popular approach is to ‘micro-wound’ the skin in … Read more

PETER HITCHENS: As Left now controls every lever of power, we face nothing less than regime change

What we now face is regime change. That is why these strange crowds have begun to gather round ancient and forgotten monuments, demanding their removal and destruction.  They do not know what they want, or understand what they are destroying. But that no longer matters. They think their moment has come, and they may well be … Read more

NHS test-and-trace regime ‘will not be up to speed until September’ 

NHS test-and-trace regime to slow the spread of coronavirus ‘will not be up to speed until September’ Contact tracing system chief Tony Prestedge said the programme will be ‘clunky’ He spoke in a video to staff on May 27 the day before Matt Hancock launched it Anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 is expected to … Read more

How to swap your skincare regime from spring to summer, according to a dermatologist

How to get your skin glowing as temperatures soar: Dermatologist shares heatwave complexion boosts- including switching to a water-based moisturiser and treating the skin under your sunglasses Dr Murad is a board certified dermatologist and founder of Murad Skincare Recommends changing skincare routine in summer using lighter products Shares tips from exfoliating regularly to eating … Read more

Secrets of Jackie Kennedy Onassis’s flawless beauty regime revealed

With her sun-kissed complexion and perfectly coiffed hair, Jackie Kennedy Onassis was a style icon of the 1960s – and now people in the modern day can replicate at least an aspect of her appearance after her strict beauty regime was revealed to the world. The former First Lady and widow of Greek shipping magnate … Read more

Coronavirus UK: Test centres empty as tracing regime announced

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced the introduction of the new Test and Trace programme to bring the coronavirus under control, as concerns were raised over the Government’s testing regime. At the Downing Street briefing today, Mr Hancock said the new system would be up and running by 9am tomorrow without the NHS’ coronavirus app that … Read more

Up to 770,000 Britons could be told to self-isolate every day under contact tracing regime

Test, track and trace is the Government’s three-point plan for keeping tabs on the coronavirus when the lockdown is lifted. It will move back to a surveillance system similar to what was happening before the major outbreak started in the UK. Widespread testing will pick up on infections and local clusters early, random population testing … Read more

U.S. says Maduro regime is linked to $165million worth of cocaine seized off Spain’s coast

The United States confirmed that a massive cocaine shipment confiscated last weekend off Spain’s coast is connected to members of Venezuela President Nicolás Maduro’s regime. Working on a tip from the Drug Enforcement Agency [DEA] and the Colombian National Police and the United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency, Spain’s military intercepted the Karar, a vessel that … Read more

Matt Hancock announces expansion of coronavirus testing regime

Matt Hancock today announced coronavirus testing eligibility is being extended to include all over-65s and workers who cannot work from home – but only if they have symptoms.  All asymptomatic staff and patients at hospitals and care homes will also now be able to get checked.  The Health Secretary said opening up the testing regime … Read more

Britain’s youngest female murderer loses bid to relax jail regime after plotting to kill inmate

Britain’s youngest female murderer – who stabbed a stranger to death aged just 12 – loses bid to relax her jail regime after fantasizing about killing an inmate Sharon Carr brutally murdered Katie Rackliff by stabbing her 32 times in 1992 She is now eligible for release but authorities consider her a danger to society … Read more