Is insomnia in men a sign of the MANopause? DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions 

My 66-year-old father has developed insomnia. He has no serious underlying medical problems, but takes ramipril. Could it be stress-related or linked to the ‘manopause’? S. Smith, North London. We all have a strong biological drive to sleep, peaking in childhood and young adulthood. The sleep pattern tends to go off the rails later in … Read more

Cohabiting couple? Don’t buy a home together until you have asked these six key questions

The number of cohabiting couples submitting joint mortgage applications in 2020 rose by 60 per cent year-on-year, according to the Mortgage Advice Bureau.  In comparison, the number of joint mortgage applications submitted by those in civil partnerships rose by 15 per cent in the same period, whilst for married couples it was 11 per cent. … Read more

University regulator faces ‘conflict of interest’ questions over appointment of Lord Wharton

University regulator head Lord Wharton in ‘conflict of interest’ row as it’s revealed he is paid adviser for company planning to build on Portsmouth campus Lord Wharton has been appoint as the chair for the Office for Students (OfS) But he is also a paid adviser for Aquind which plans to build cables through uni … Read more

Is there any way to stop my pounding headaches? Dr MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions 

I have hypnic headaches (the ‘alarm clock’ headache). None of my medications has eliminated these, and last year an MRI scan was clear. Could an optical nerve block help? Name and address supplied. Hypnic headaches have a unique characteristic — they only occur during sleep, causing those affected to wake up (hence the name ‘alarm … Read more

‘How can I reduce nerve pain caused by shingles?’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

I’ve had shingles for six weeks. It’s no longer contagious but is very painful. My doctor has prescribed medications but they all make me sick. Is there anything that can reduce the nerve pain? Jenny Johnson, Chesterfield, Derbyshire How miserable for you to be suffering still with nerve pain. But fortunately, it is treatable. Long-term … Read more

Drew Barrymore reveals she went into major interview with ex Tom Green with ‘no questions prepared’

Drew Barrymore went into her major  interview with Tom Green with no idea what she’d say to him, she said Tuesday on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The 45-year-old actress hadn’t spoken to her ex in 15 years before recently inviting him on her talk show, but was intent on making their reunion as … Read more

Ruth Langsford in tears on Loose Women as she questions when she will be allowed to visit her mum

Ruth Langsford had an emotional debate on Tuesday’s Loose Women about visitation rights for care home residents. The ITV star was in tears as she revealed she hasn’t physically touched her mother Joan, who lives in a care home, for months under covid-19 restrictions. Ruth, 60, and her Loose Women co-stars were discussing I’m A Celeb’s … Read more

‘Why can I smell things that aren’t really there?’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions 

Three years ago, I started noticing an unpleasant smell that no one else could detect. A neurosurgeon suggested it was phantosmia and that it would go; other specialists have been unable to explain it. I am 53. Have you come across anything like this? Lindsay Bruce, via email. Your symptom, although uncommon, is certainly not … Read more

How long do offers last, and what if I have bad credit? We answer the most-asked mortgage questions

Forget the eyes – nowadays, it is our internet searches that provide a window into the soul.   We often turn to search engines to ask the questions that are on our minds, whether we’re just looking for a quick answer or because it’s something we are embarrassed to ask in person.  Now, Britons’ most common … Read more

‘Why do I keep getting these painful mouth ulcers?’: DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions 

I have recurring mouth ulcers, which my research suggests is something called Sutton disease II. My doctors haven’t mentioned this, though. I am otherwise healthy but the ulcers make me feel run down and treatments don’t work. I am 57. Dave Keeping, via email. Mouth ulcers are a common, often recurrent, problem and I am … Read more