Pupils could be offered summer classes to catch up on missed lessons

Pupils could be offered summer classes to catch up on lessons missed during Covid-19 lockdown Ministers looking at funding catch-up classes over the school summer holidays  The classes would be aimed at those children who have fallen furthest behind  Any move to make teachers work in the summer likely to meet union resistance By Jason Groves … Read more

Parents call for pupils to repeat whole year to prevent ‘lost generation’

Parents are calling for pupils to repeat a whole school year or cancel summer holidays as 75 per cent of teachers believe their students have fallen behind due to remote learning. Boris Johnson today admitted that it could take a year for children to catch up from the impact of Covid school closures, claiming online learning … Read more

Headteacher warns pupils could be BANNED from school if parents break lockdown rules

Headteacher Martine Buckley has warned parents that children could lose their place at school if lockdown rules are broken A headteacher has threatened to withdraw pupils from a school in Oldham after children told teachers they had been visiting people outside of their households. Martine Buckley, executive headteacher at Yew Tree Community School in Chadderton, … Read more

Ministers consider gradual school reopening after half-term led by A-Level, GCSE and primary pupils

Children in years that should have sat exams this year could lead the way back to class in a phased reopening of schools after half-term. Under plans being considered, pupils who will be teacher-assessed for A-Levels and GCSEs this year after exams were cancelled could head back first along with years one and six in … Read more

Lloyds lifts us to £1.3m! Bank donates £500,000s worth of laptops to get pupils online

The Mail Force laptop campaign has smashed through the £1million barrier in just four days. The phenomenal milestone has been reached thanks to reader generosity – and a stunning donation from Lloyds. The banking giant has offered 1,000 top-of-the-range laptops worth £500,000. It is a sensational moment for the Computers for Kids drive to get urgently-needed … Read more

Portugal’s Socialist PM BANS private schools from teaching pupils remotely during classroom closure

Portugal’s socialist Prime Minister has banned private schools from teaching pupils remotely during a two-week classroom closure. The minority Socialist-led government of Antonio Costa said that allowing private institutions to teach remotely would put state school pupils at a disadvantage. The Portuguese government ordered all schools closed for two weeks last Thursday to slow contagion … Read more

Stephen Fry says Eton pupils are just as likely to self-harm as children from rough state schools

Stephen Fry says Eton pupils are just as likely to self-harm as children from rough state schools and should not be dismissed as ‘privileged’ Stephen Fry, 63, said he noticed a ‘general rise in unhappiness amongst young’ The actor and comedian said school pupils from all backgrounds were suffering Fry added: ‘There doesn’t seem to be … Read more

Teacher wrote a gossip blog about his pupils saying girls ‘look like Eastern European prostitutes’

A teacher wrote a gossip blog about his pupils saying the girls ‘look like Eastern European prostitutes and trans-human Kardashian clones’ and boys snorted cocaine at their end-of-year prom, a hearing was told today. Alexander Price, 43, offended pupils, parents and colleagues at Denbigh High School in Denbigh, North Wales, with his mystery blog called … Read more

Campaign to help get laptops to lockdown pupils starts with a bang

Our campaign to help get laptops to lockdown pupils has raised a staggering £250,000 in its first weekend. In a flying start beyond our wildest dreams, Daily Mail readers have again shown phenomenal generosity. From £5 to £5,000, thousands of contributions have flooded in – many from grandparents – coupled with heartfelt messages of support. One … Read more

Gavin Williamson to ‘rule out pupils return after February half-term’

Now children might not return to school until after EASTER: Gavin Williamson will ‘rule out pupils going back into classrooms after February half-term’ within days All children had been set to return to schools after the February half-term Sources suggest reopening could be pushed back until mid-April or even May  Students in GCSE and A-Level … Read more