Secondary pupils and all children leaving primary school will be offered summer lessons

Summer lessons will be offered to children leaving primary school and all secondary pupils as part of a £700million catch-up package designed to reverse the impact of coronavirus lockdowns on education. Under plans due to be announced today, secondaries will offer face-to-face teaching over the holidays, with ministers keen to see summer classes for incoming … Read more

Scots and Welsh pupils begin to return to classrooms – two weeks before English children

Children in Scotland and Wales made a return to the classroom yesterday after months of home-schooling – as pupils in England face a two-week wait for their staggered return. Youngsters between the ages of four and eight put their uniforms on for face-to-face teaching in Scotland for the first time this year. They were joined by … Read more

Covid England: Secondary school pupils to wear face masks in lessons

Professor Chris Whitty tonight insisted the risk posed by coronavirus to children at school is ‘incredibly low’ as he ‘categorically denied’ a claim he opposed a full return to classrooms on March 8.  England’s Chief Medical Officer said there are ‘huge advantages’ to reopening schools in terms of the mental and physical health benefits for … Read more

Secondary school pupils must wear face masks in lessons for ‘weeks’ from school return on March 8 

Secondary school pupils will be made to wear face masks in lessons for ‘weeks’ when they head back to classroom on March 8 BREAKING: Secondary school pupils to wear masks in classrooms ‘for weeks’  The new rules come as part of plans to safely reopen schools on March 8 Boris Johnson made the announcement as … Read more

Catholic school teacher banned after talking about her sexuality while playing FORTNITE with pupils 

A Catholic primary school teacher has been struck off after having secret conversations about her sexuality while playing Fortnite with two pupils. Charlotte Weeks, 27, discussed her sexuality and the sexuality of another teacher, with the male and female pupil while playing Fortnite on her PlayStation from her flat in Orpington, London, from July to … Read more

Pupils could take ‘mini-exams’ to be marked by teachers instead of formal A-Levels and GCSEs

School students taking their GCSE and A-levels could be asked to take ‘mini-exams’ to help determine their grades, according to reports. Exam boards could write the slimmed down papers, which students will take at the request of their teachers. The papers would be marked by teachers and would be used to help them to inform … Read more

Pupils ‘need help, not more classes’, experts say

Schoolchildren are under huge pressure to catch up on lessons lost during Covid lockdowns… but more help not extra classes could be key, experts say Children are facing pressure to catch up with learning lost, psychologists warn Government is said to be considering summer schools & extended school days  Educational psychologists are advocating a quality-over-quantity … Read more

Pupils will have to attend ‘catch-up classes’ during summer as schools given ‘hundreds of millions’

Pupils will have to attend ‘catch-up classes’ during the summer holidays as schools are given ‘hundreds of millions’ to help pupils who have fallen behind during Covid Schools will draft in private tutors and pay teachers to extend their working day Additional ‘Covid premium’ awarded to schools for every disadvantaged pupil More details of ‘catch-up … Read more

Education unions join forces to try to block the return of ALL pupils to school on March 8

Boris Johnson was warned today that it would be ‘reckless’ to send all children back to school in a fortnight’s time amid calls for the reopening of classrooms to be sped up. Nine trade unions ganged up on the PM today to demand a ‘phased return’ only for millions of children who have been out … Read more

Boris Johnson ‘wants all school pupils back in class on March 8’

Boris Johnson wants all primary and secondary school pupils to return to the classroom on March 8 but he is facing opposition from teaching unions and Matt Hancock, it was claimed today.  The Prime Minister has repeatedly said the Government will target March 8 to reopen schools across England.  But it is still unclear exactly … Read more